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Why All The Fuss Over Bill Frist?

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So, I was looking over a couple of DN's past blogs, and I noticed he kept attacking Bill Frist as the guy who killed internet poker in the US. I also noticed this is the thought among forum posters, as everyone here keeps comparing Frist to Satan and the like. However, I don't think enough has been made of who really pushed the bill through during the last Congress. Who is Nevada's senior Senator? The man, who is most certainly owned by huge casino's and corportations? None other than Dem. Harry Reid, now Senate Majority Leader. Sure, it was Frist who offered up the ammendment to ban online poker, but it most certainly came at the request of Reid (as it is Senate custom to work with the opposing leader, especially in the senate where moderation of the parties leader is most important). Frist had nothing to be gained, but Reid most definitely did. I wonder why Dem's in Congress, like Barney Frank, have been talking about overthrowing the ban, but have done nothing to this point. Well, because most insiders know the Senior Senator from Nevada will never let it happen.

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Bill Frist is just the focal point of this as he championed this bill and was obviously the one who got the majority of the payoffs. It doesn't mean that nobody else was to blame.The ultimate point is that our rights as Americans have yet again been taken away by the corporate whore that our government is. There is only 1 candidate on the horizon that would oppose this sort of BS and his name is Ron Paul. If you don't know about him yet then do some research and see why he's our best chance to actually be treated like thinking adults.

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