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Everything posted by kevin562

  1. Eli Elezra Chris Moneymaker ELI, Chris is over-ratedTom McEvoy Mimi Tran Tom, Mimi is tough but I give the edge to McEvoyCindy Violette Chris Ferguson C'Mon Jesus will kill CindyGus Hansen Curtis Bibbs Gus is taking this oneYosh Nakano Mike Sexton Yoshi Nakano is gonna win over MikeTodd Brunson Erick LindgrenEDOG for Sure! Prahlad Friedman Sammy Farha I like SAMMY on this but its going to be a good matchup Barry Greenstein Lee Salem Barry is too solidDoyle Brunson Billy Baxter Billy, Doyle thens to overplay a bunch of hands of lateJohn Juanda Chau Giang John, I like this matchup alotAmir Vahed
  2. "I got 99 problems but a biatch ain't one" Jay-Z
  3. MiSTER HAND great point and yes i'm a college student so I didn't want to risk my money knowing there was a chance that he could of made his flush. Anyways I gotten a lot of feedbacks and I enjoy reading everyone's post except those who are harsh and think that they are the best players to talk down to me. I'm trying to better my game and yes I did make a stupid mistake but who hasn't in this forum. I believe this forum is to teach eachother on the game of Hold'Em and not to be used to down grade other people.
  4. woot woot my girlfriend lets me talk to her about poker and she doesn't even care for the game. I guess she just listen because I so passionate about it right now.
  5. That's good to hear. We have enough drama playing poker, we don't need any from our girlfriend right guys?
  6. it takes a while to learn this, but, sometimes ya gotta lay down a good hand.You are right Wannabe and I agree 100 percent. My mindframe at that moment was: 1. He didn't raise pre-flop because he was in first position, so it was kind of hard to put him on a set2. He's a very loose player and I've seen him play some worst hands and called with second pair or Ace high.So after all that time thinking, I made the call and I was wrong. He flop a straight with a 2-3 off suit. Kudos to him for getting lucky and out playing me but I would love to play with him again because you know in the long run, h
  7. I was just reading Daniel's Journal about his recent breakup with his gF Lori and something similar happen at a home game I went to last Saturday. I was at a friend's house for a tournament style game he was hosting and everything was going pretty good. I was playing some pretty goood poker and made a bunch of good reads on my opponents. The guy that was mainly on my crosshair was the host. Everytime he would raise, I would re-raise, knowing that he was weak and everytime I did, I was correct. I did notice that he was constantly looking at his cell phone as if he was waiting for a important ph
  8. Well if it was some1 who I think was a decent player or good player, then I would have to congrat them on how well they played their hand using implied odds to their advantage in that situation, but this guy is some1 who pretty much doesn't know or understand the game of Hold'Em so I would have to say he's just a "blank" and I got unlucky to run into that situation with him. I would have to say this lesson is somewhat bittersweet, in that I've learn a lot from it but thinking about it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
  9. Okay I understand that its not a bad beat but I got out-played, that's fine. But you can't honestly tell me that you guys would of played that any differently? Mind you that I did raise 4x the big blind and he was in first position. His stack was only average so the 100x the big blind idea goes out the window. In the long run people like that are going to go broke if they keep playing the way they do but I do understand that I got out-played. It's kind of like Mike McD 9's Full with Aces vs KGB Ace's Full with 9's, he got out-played and that's how I see it now but at that moment I w
  10. I've just come to realize that Poker is a very cruel game to play. If you are weak and can not take the bad beats that the Poker Gods will sometime give you, then you should really find a new game to play. For instance, I had A-Q on the button and I had raised it pre-flop and got 1 caller. The flop comes A-4-5 rainbow, he bets out and I re-raise with my A-Q, because I know he's a very loose player and will raise with A-8 or A-9 off suit. He then moves all in and I started to think at all the possibilities. He could of had two pairs with a A-4 or a A-5, then I made the conclusion that he doesn'
  11. Hey I ran into those guys at the stateline in Nevada and took them for all their money at the poker table.
  12. Stu Unger was a card genius, period. He would of won more WSOP Main Event if it wasn't for his drug habits. I don't know him as a person but from his poker accomplishment, Stu Unger is the only person to win 3 Main Event title at the WSOP. Johnny Chan got really close but got beaten by Phil Hellmuth Jr. Check his biography movie HIGH ROLLER: The Stu Unger Story, should be really good.
  13. GOOD POINT! Regarding your post Suited_UP, the old me would normally call with AQ if a guys goes all in for 10k and I have 12k. I would always gamble, that's my biggest mis-take. I put to much value in those kind of hands and just need to lay-it down. I need to pick a better position or a better hand to do so to risk my chips like that. Plus I need to stop calling all these all in calls and play more post-flop poker. I am starting to hate all in poker pre-flop. There's no skill in that, you're just leaving your faith in the hands of the POKER GODS. So I'm feeling you about the last post!
  14. GOOD POINT!Regarding your post Suited_UP, the old me would normally call with AQ if a guys goes all in for 10k and I have 12k. I would always gamble, that's my biggest mis-take. I put to much value in those kind of hands and just need to lay-it down. I need to pick a better position or a better hand to do so to risk my chips like that. Plus I need to stop calling all these all in calls and play more post-flop poker. I starting to hate all in poker pre-flop. There's no skill in that, your just leaving your faith in the POKER GODS. So I'm feeling you about the last post!
  15. I'm getting really good feedbacks. How about limiting your mistakes at the tournament table? How do you know when to let a hand down or when to gamble? I think everyone would agree that you can gamble with a short stack player if he moves all in, what about a loose player or passive aggressive players? Do you have to figure the pot odds and do the math when it comes to these type of players?
  16. EDIT: I didn't read all of your post. Even though you aren't getting good hands, you should still be attacking the blinds. Only in position right? You wouldn't do it out of position?
  17. I'm a hugh fan of poker and think that my game is far from being great but I would like some advice from other players. I was just wondering, regarding Tournament Poker in a casino not online, how to get to the final table during the middle phase? I play pretty tight early in the tournament and end up with a decent chip size and open up my game in the middle phase but I seem to make big mis-takes or bad plays and never seem to reach the promise land. I normally play 25 or 100 NL buy-in tournament at my local casino and the average field is about 300 players or so. My best finish was 12th and I
  18. i just register so watch out for OCEAN SPRAY woot woot :-)
  19. 1. you're UTG and you hold 3 3 Fold2. 3 limpers to you in CO, you hold Q T Fold 3. folded to you in MP3, you hold A 7 Fold 4. 1 limper to you in MP2, you hold 8 8 Raise5. 4 limpers to you on the Button, you hold A T Raise 6. 3 limpers, Button raises, you're in the BB with A T Call 7. 6 limpers to you in the BB, you hold T T Raise8. UTG+1 raises, 1 cold-caller to you on the button with 9 9 Call or Fold 9. loose MP3 limps, rest fold to you on the button with 6 6 Fold10. 2 limpers to you on the button with Q J Raise11. 1 player limps, UTG+1 raises, and you're next to act with A
  20. Well here's my list for being a great tournament player1. Instincts2. Aggressive Plays3. Calculating Pot Odds4. Energy5. A bit of LuckI really think this makes a complete tournament player. First off, instincts is key to any poker game. You got to know when to hold'em or fold'em period! Then being aggressive gives you an edge since we all know more aggressive peoples tend to win more tournaments. Then there's the math part of poker, when is it worth it to risk all your chips and when is it not worth it? Energy is key since tournament plays are long and boring. Then of course the key is a bit o
  21. come on guys this is a friendly post no need to got postal or anything, I'm glad I can share my experience with you and Thank You for all the advices you all have given me
  22. unfortunately, much of poker IS black and white. This is one of those areas. The math on this hand clearly forces you to call. I understand completely why kevin laid it down. I am not criticizing that. I am trying to help him. I am trying to show him the thought process of a winning player on this hand. I am trying to show him why mathematically he should have called, and stands to make money in the long run with this call. Good luck with your poker career kevin, hopefully my advice helps you turn that 500$ into $50,000 a la smash. then you could post about it and laugh at charlie brody Thanks
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