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Everything posted by bengy3

  1. I may come off like a huge ***, but you have two jobs and make just a little over $1,000 a month? Working full-time making minimum wage almost gives you more than that.
  2. Don't call it a comeback, I've been here for years
  3. How can you make a logical argument and think 7-7 has to suckout to beat k-j?
  4. Come up to North Dakota and we'll drink the **** out of you guys.
  5. Railing. Best of luck in taking it down.
  6. And then tell everyone how you can dodge bullets. Baby.
  7. Your grammar and punctuation are horrible also.
  8. The point wasn't to say he was complaining. I know he misplayed a hand that cost him, but didn't know he wasn't focused throughout the tournament. To do as well as he did without his 'A' game is crazy.
  9. That was very disappointing for me. I feel like I should have done a lot better. I should have prepared more, and I wasn't as focused as I would have liked to have been. I tried really hard, but my game wasn't there for the entire time. I've got no one to blame but myself.http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/poker/colum...zine&id=2304268
  10. A gun rack... a gun rack!!!??? I don't even own a gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?We broke up. Get the Net.
  11. TV Guide is even messing up? Kim worked at CTU during season 3. It's the only season featuring Chase. I love seeing the preview for next Sunday's opener. "The first 10 minutes will change everything>" Boooooooooing
  12. Cuthbert will not be back for the next season. Sorry to disappoint.I've read differently.
  13. Except he had you beat, and even if he was stealing a blind hand is likely better than 10 9 offsuit.Yea but I was going into the hand, thinking that if I hit the flop I would be ahead of him. I knew he didnt have a big pair by the way he was playing his big pairs.You're only going to hit that flop once in every three times. You will have top pair even less frequently. That being said, he will lead regardless of what comes. Therefore you will have to fold almost every time. Is this really a situation you want to put 1/6th of your stack in with?Just a question: Do any of you guys play live reg
  14. Except he had you beat, and even if he was stealing a blind hand is likely better than 10 9 offsuit.Yea but I was going into the hand, thinking that if I hit the flop I would be ahead of him. I knew he didnt have a big pair by the way he was playing his big pairs.You're only going to hit that flop once in every three times. You will have top pair even less frequently. That being said, he will lead regardless of what comes. Therefore you will have to fold almost every time. Is this really a situation you want to put 1/6th of your stack in with?Just a question: Do any of you guys play live reg
  15. Except he had you beat, and even if he was stealing a blind hand is likely better than 10 9 offsuit.Yea but I was going into the hand, thinking that if I hit the flop I would be ahead of him. I knew he didnt have a big pair by the way he was playing his big pairs.You're only going to hit that flop once in every three times. You will have top pair even less frequently. That being said, he will lead regardless of what comes. Therefore you will have to fold almost every time. Is this really a situation you want to put 1/6th of your stack in with?Just a question: Do any of you guys play live reg
  16. Ugh.Responding to this is going to, once again appear like I'm bitter to some foo's... oh well.He means Mike didn't get the WSOP player of the year prize for winning the tournament of champions, that prize went to the best overall player.The main event first prize is not what he's talking about, as the main event wasn't composed of only the top players from the other WSOP events leading up to it.And, I guess I have to qualify for people who think I would get upset over a pair of glasses; I'm explaining his point without any consideration what-so-ever as to where I stood in the standings, or my
  17. And the team with the best record wins the Super Bowl, World Series, NBA Championships .... oh wait...... never mindNor is the superbowl moved from a football field to a basketball court and the quarters shortened.I thought this was the wittiest of the remarks.I tend to agree that Spademan did get kinda of screwed. Not only did he outplay the entire season and then have it all decide on one tournament...I mean in the WSOP do they give the Toyota to Mike Mattsow?No they give it to Allen Cunningham cause he did best overall.Also what I thought was unfair is it was switched to a different site an
  18. I don't have PP on my parents computer here. I'm not watching but going for you in spirit. Take it down. What's the stack at now, compared to average.
  19. :cry: I am NOT giving up Keystone for an all-expense trip to a Super Bowl party in Vegas. Even I have principles.Since when has drinking water flavored beer been a principle?
  20. Any conspiracy theory drawn up like this is definately in your head... from cardplayer.comThe tournament clock has been updated for the first time, and it's now showing 523 players remaining in the tournament. The prizepool is also listed, so we will be posting that soon.Don't forget about "The Circuit." Tonight's special guest will be none other than Daniel Negreanu. Send your questions for Daniel and our host Mike Matusow to thecircuit@cardplayer.com.
  21. Nice double with ak vs. aj. Keep it up.
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