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About Griffish

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    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. GOD bless you and your's Daniel. Your mom and mine had their strokes about the same time. My Mom died 3 days after hers. I remember commenting on this forum at the time. Your Mom really did so well...for you and the family. You and your family handled all of this so well. You were actually an inspiration to me during the time. Your words in this blog really comforted me at that time. Again, may GOD bless you and yours in this time of pain/sorrow/and relief. griffish
  2. Hey DN my prayers are with you. I lost my Mom this past Saturday to a stroke. She passed peacefully. I take comfort in knowing that she is in the arms of the Lord. Hopefully your Mom will make it back to you, but if not...please find the same comfort that I have now. I will pray for you DN. Steve
  3. Hey all and most importantly Daniel. I apologize for my tone in my original post. I am sorry. Christmas is not a happy time for me due to some recent tragadies in my life. DN, there is a reason that I have followed your blog for all these years, and that is because I have looked up to you not only because of your game, but also for your personal growth. Thanks very much for sharing all of this. My life has paralelled yours in so many ways on the personal level, and I guess I just got a little lost in all of that. And, believe it or not when my friends and family ask me who I believe is t
  4. Come on DN. I've been a fan for many yrs, and watched you "grow", I thought. Watched you get married, become a "Christian" and focus on your life. I now come back and see you like this. Yeah, you are one of the greats, but what does that really mean in the big scheme? All you post about is the great partying lifestyle now...and the cool toys. Your play is not as good as it was...what happened to the Big Game? One of your resolutions for 2009 is to get better at Golden Tee?...Really?...a video game? Come on Daniel, you are so much better than that. Make us all proud and clean up your a
  5. My prayers are with Jamie and family. His dad has already received God's true blessing. I don't care what kind of person they where or are...only God can judge that. God bless you all.
  6. They said I was reliable. My wife said they lied, now take out the trash. :roll:
  7. 3 players come to mind. Daniel of course :-), Ivey, and Gus Hanson. 3 of the greatest "after the flop" players on the planet. I would also like to see Phil Hellmuth at this table for the entertainment value... :-)
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