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Everything posted by Tritz

  1. who would have ever thought he would have won that tournament. I though daniel had this all wrapped up. :shock:
  2. I agree 100% .............I get a little salty when i cannot find a tournament to watch.
  3. That is a major turn on. :shock:
  4. Dan definitly is going to win. Way To Go Danny!
  5. My personal favorite was Super System. It has a little of everything.
  6. It doesn't matter how much you make in any single tournament, that is not the point. What matters is how much they take in taxes. I think if they think they are allowed to take that much of your hard earned money, they are no better than thieves. Because that is what they are, why are they entitled to 40% or whatever is it of your income. (for gambling) BULL SH*T
  7. How can you say that? If you played your best poker game of your life and fought your ass off and won the first prize $1,000,000. Then some schmuck gives you a check for $600,000, I think you would be just a little mad, no matter what situation you're in.**ESPECIALLY* if poker is your main source of income.
  8. At my casino you have to fill out the W-4 and send it to the gov when you win $1250+So I want to know what kind of taxes a pro has to pay and how that works?
  9. I would like that, I love watching Dan playing cards.
  10. Do you like or dislike them.
  11. This is a question to anyone who won a real tournament. Let's say you won the WSOP and the 5 mil. What kind of taxes do you have to pay for something like that, and being a pro poker player do you get some kind of break, I would really like to know.
  12. That seems excessive. But who knows. :shock:
  13. A lot of times friends of mine and myself go to our local casino after working all day and we stay there until we have to work the following day. Then sometimes we go back after that. There was one trip we took and we went back and fourth from work to the casino 6 days in a row before we about died in the car by falling asleep, then we decided it was break time. That week together the 5 of us made about $190,000 combined. Good times.
  14. I think it should stay at $10,000, so people like myself can enter it, I wouldn't be willing to put $50,000 up on a single poker tournament, but thats just me.
  15. I would like to know too, I tried looking it up but could not find anything about it? Daniel let us know.
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