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Bill Szirtes

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Everything posted by Bill Szirtes

  1. The original poster has a right to be offended. Its his reality that those comments are offensive to him. Sometimes we measure things from our own perspective and disagree with others who don't see it our way. Humour is a sign of intelligence, that fact Vince Van Patten may quickly go for the easy way to be funny doesn't suprise me. He's a blonde and we all know blondes are dumb
  2. Raise, you have a good hand and the best position. I play more hands aggresively in shorthanded games.
  3. If Daniel wants to win, it would be tough to bet against him. He made it all the way to the top because of his focus, drive and competetive nature. Although we may not have his poker talent we can still reach our goals, adopting his spirit and determination.
  4. . One thing I was wondering is how much a players evaluation of his own expectation/abilities in a tournament factors in to these types of decisions. If your names Daniel Negreanu it would be far clearer to me to fokd here than if my name happened to be Mr Dead Money. These types of questions make me realize why I prefer live to online. I d rather be watching my opponents reaction to the turn card and watch him reach for those 5500 in chips he bet on the turn, than trying to read those poker faced aviators.
  5. I know there was a 2004 world series of poker bots. So its only a matter of time if they arent out there playing actively yet. Plus Im sure there will be programs players can run while they are playing that will prompt them with the suggested right play. This will seriusly impact online poker in the long run. I am originally a backgammon player and computer software has impacted to some degree the amount of online gambling action amongst BG players.
  6. You were right he hit his second pair and was so happy to see it on the river he came out betting. If you are going to fold and turn your hand up then why not turn your hand over first( doesnt cost you anymore but you can read his reaction). He may look strong when he holds two pair a-5, but when he sees your higher two pair he will look a liitle sick.
  7. I learned not to tie myself too closely to my results. I play almost everyday and psychologicaly I would be fried if I let the swings of this game get to me.So I focus on playing well, because I know that will help me win the money we all want so badly.(not bragging)we all have good days,Today I played four hours at Brantford casino 10/20 and I won $1000I was lucky and played well, but as I drove home I realized a couple of situations where I played a hand wrong, I feel more pride realizing that, than I do at winning a $1000- a bad player can win money but a good player can win and still see w
  8. No one said anything about not careing if you win or lose. My point was you cant control that, so focus on what you can control- playing your best game.And no one said anything about playing just for the thrill of victory. My point was contrary to that- people can become too results oriented especially in individual sessions.just my 2 cents :wink:
  9. uahphysicsYour approach is very good, and I think you will continue to enjoy the game and have success.The $ will naturally follow.If a players reward after every session is that he played his best given the cards he had ,then regardless of the monetary outcome he will always leave the table a winner
  10. If someone were to open a site would it not be to their advantage to ensure when new players join they have slightly better than average luck, so they do well initially otherwise they may blow their intial buy in and move on to the next site.(Its the oldest hustle in the gambling world.. let the sucker win first)They would also have a refer a friend program so all these players who are doing well run to their friends telling them how easy the site is to make money at. And before you know it they would have 60,000 players playing there. When I first joined Party I felt like the site was cheatin
  11. I play 10/20 live and make a little over 2 BB an hour, but online I play 2/4. I've even played 1/2I do okay but 10/20 live is easier for me than 2/4 online.Is online rigged, could be, anythings possible. I told myself as soon as Daniel backs a siteI would play there exclusively. Havent joined Poker Mountain yet but I will. Its important to support smaller sites Dont give to much power to the big boy Party
  12. What would you do if one of the limpers bet the flop after you checked it? you'd be in a tough spot to call. so I would keep the pressure on them with a bet on the flop.Its a tough board for them against a preflop raiser from the bb who leads out. If your out of position force them to make a descsion. there's 4000 in the middle of the table dont leave it sitting there, its yours till someone proves otherwise.
  13. When I was a kid I read MAD magazine all the time. Haven't read it for years( dont know why its not like Ive grown up any) The other day as I was leaving my local convenience store I spotted MAD magazines Celebrity Poker Issue. Bought it, read it and found it hilarious. If you want a laugh at the game we love and at times take a little too serious I highly recommend you check it out.
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