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Everything posted by Jeepster80125

  1. Oh BG. Before you can insult me, you have to actually take and defend a position, instead of dancing around issues and criticizing those who think differently. Are you saying that pot is a good alternative some of the time?
  2. only with a prescription. Just like marijuana, which is legal in my state with a recommendation from my doctor.I guess you'll just have to trust that I'm not reselling too many of my meds to teenagers.
  3. I would very much like you to continue engaging that poster.
  4. I wonder what it would be like to spend a day watching you troll religion threads on non-religion message boards. I'd probably kill myself sometime during hour number one, but still, it would be a unique experience.
  5. I use something called an essential vaporizer, which is basically a portable vaporizer. Like this. It's really, really nice. I get the same effect but don't have to invest the cost of a large vaporizer like that. Smoking pot in an airport smoking lounge would be a nice luxury of traveling if states recognized each others medical patients. I think Montana is the only state that allows out of state medical marijuana sales.Plus, Colorado's medical marijuana legislation specifically states you can't medicate outside of your own home, or even in your home where others can see you (think garage or p
  6. She'll be happy until the power goes out and the router needs reset. She won't be able to 'fix' it, so she'll get pissed that you made her upgrade when her old dial up did just fine. Book it. I still have to walk my mom through connecting the camera to the computer to upload pictures to walgreens. Every. Single. Time. I even made a walkthrough with screen captures/login info etc, she still needs the help. It's mind blowing. She thinks I am the smartest person in the world, and that's only because I google shit. My parents are technologically: retarded.
  7. This might help your non-sleep periods of boredom.http://extras.denverpost.com/archive/captured.html
  8. OMG BG WATCH OUT DON'T FLY! THE DRUGGIES ARE DOING DRUGS IN THE AIRPORTS NOW? WHAT'S NEXT, HEROIN LOUNGES? LET'S PRAY ON IT!http://www.tokeofthetown.com/2010/08/repor...in_airports.php
  9. Yeah, for business. He chicken pecks emails with his two index fingers, it's hugely annoying. He doesn't understand the concept of emails being saved online, so he prints out every business email he gets for each clients file, instead of creating an identical 'virtual' file with all of those emails etc. He has an email addy at OurCompany.com, but he never uses it, he has all that mail forwarded to his AOL account. Fortunately I made him use that email address for his business cards, so only his outgoing emails come from AOL. I'm not sure what I laugh at more, when people give me an AOL address
  10. What? Are you the same BG that posts in the religion forum?
  11. I've actually seen a live program of his. It was at the Pepsi Center, huge venue. It was absurd. He wanted the participants to stand up, and jump up and down for 5 minutes, screaming and yelling, to get in 'the right frame of mind'. His presentation is totally over the top and too much, but it seems to be a good model for him.
  12. BG, you've mentioned the drug cartels, mexican drugs here, violence etc as all reasons to keep pot and other drugs illegal. Thoughts on this? I know you'll probably dismiss the source, and that's fine, but what about the words?If You Think Marijuana Legalization Helps Drug Cartels, Think AgainOne of the most enduring disconnects in the legalization debate is the question of what will become of those nasty drug cartels when we end marijuana prohibition. Here's how Tim Rosales of the No on Prop 19 campaign framed it in a debate with Jane Hamsher on CNN: You would just be giving the Mexican dr
  13. Does that mean you will stop posting here?
  14. I saw the post had today's date, but then i saw shake, and I feel like I stepped back in time. Plus, I thought shake wasn't allowed to give advice on anything other than banging chicks with kids and booze.welcome back.
  15. Maybe once I set a specific example for you, you might stop judging all users of marijuana as drug abusing, non employed law breakers running rampant.What I think most people would be in favor of, but something you'd never agree to, would be the legalization and regulation of marijuana, either for medical purposes or to make tax revenue. You can't say that this product is too harmful to legalize. If you say that, than you are automatically saying that other more harmful substances (alcohol and tobacco/nicotine) should be illegal as well.Anyway, what if growing and consuming of drugs and relate
  16. My father still uses AOL as his primary email account. He doesn't understand how he loses credibility when he sends work email to people from OurCompany@aol.com.
  17. Would you rather him troll threads with 'hi'?
  18. http://sergey-larenkov.livejournal.com/
  19. Unless it's some medical related business, then I don't believe that your poker guy was telling the truth. Selling drugs on the internet is not something that someone in the business of selling drugs is going to do.
  20. What a great post.As a medical marijuana patient in Colorado, I can purchase top quality medicine for $50-$60 per 1/8th and $300-$400 per ounce.If I have a relationship with a private grower ('caregiver'), then those prices drop to $40 per 1/8th and $250 per ounce.Think of an 1/8 as a couple of fingers in a baggie, an ounce would probably fill most ziplock sandwich bags, depending on stretch/quality etc. I smoke much, much more than most patients. I would love for an 1/8th to last a month!
  21. I am sooo glad I stayed under scram radar, and I hope this helps him sleep at night. edit: shit, I didn't notice his threats of future posts.
  22. I still can't believe that rose is an actual, real person. I find out tidbits here and there (black cop b/f!), and I love every part of it. What ever happened with the will and IQ? I'll take pictures. We are a lock to get this house, but I'm unsure when I'll gain access or what's even in the basement. I'm just going from what my parents and brother told me when they inspected the property. Thanks for the response.
  23. I bet this won't help your racism.http://www.theindychannel.com/news/24453132/detail.html
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