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Everything posted by dapokerbum

  1. So based on your "real point" Bush causes less deathwhich coincides with my point that Pot causes less death
  2. Dorrito by itself is not enough ... if you take Hostess and Frozen Pizza, then you should be able to balance it!
  3. BG said that Bush was good because only 100,000 people were killed rather than 500,000 during SaddamAlchohol kills more people than Pot does ... so Pot is good.Sources:Alchohol Death: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/alcohol.htmPot Death: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_deaths_...ue_to_marijuana
  4. So by that Logic ... Pot should be legal because Alchohol is?
  5. Finally watched last weeks TUF. I think Dana White needs to come up with a better way to pick the wild card. I thought that it was whoever had the best showing during the show and not his overall ability/presumed fighting ability. To pick Stevens for the wild card after he got choked out in 15 secs goes totally against what the wild card should be for IMO. Any of the other fighters deserved that fight over him. I'm really glad that he got beat down again and it was just icing on the cake that he choked out with a guillotine ... again!
  6. Can you actually smell GW's innards or what? You would of made a hell of a yes man if you were on his cabinet.
  7. Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan/Brandon SandersonThis is the second to last book in the Wheel of Time series.
  8. I wish we could just look across party lines and not say that the democrats did this or the republicans are doing that. Why can't we look at the individuals and see if they are doing their job. Which is to represent we the people. If they aren't representing their constituents then they should be put out of office. Simple as that. I guess though it is human nature to want to have a "team"
  9. This is a MAJOR reason why this failed. The growers were not in support of it and why would they be. Most growers do not pay taxes. So why would they want to all of a sudden have to start paying taxes. Plus there would be bigger and bigger farms which would eventually push them out of business.
  10. From Wikipedia:In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
  11. You do realize that not everyone will be happy with your ruling right?? This was a huge problem and unfortunately not everyone involved is going to be happy at the end of the ruling ... no matter what type of ruling is used.
  12. Serioius question, did you ever take a high school english class?
  13. Didn't look at spoiler or any other replies ....Unfortunately, I would have to declare the entire hand dead and give everyone who put chips in the money back. i would then give the dealer a stern lecture and penalty of sitting out for an entire round. Then redeal and proceed as if it never happened.
  14. I am starting to like this season more and more with each episode. I still don't like the Jim/Pam storyline, maybe they should leave the show as well ... or go another direction with it. Not sure how I feel about them making Darryl a more prominent role. I do like the new guy, I forget his charachter name, but I always thought the dude was a good actor. My favorite is the drug dealer he played in Go.
  15. Well, I see the responses and I don't want to derail with anymore talk of this so I will just say that I side with those who think it was not disrespectful.
  16. I think I must have missed something ... but are people actually offended that Stewart called him Dude? That is funny!
  17. While I understand what you are saying ... this statement makes you sound like a dirty hippie
  18. Oh ... And yes ... you do have to smoke quite a lot to be that classy ... I mean glassy!
  19. I was more referring to the glazed eyes and half smile and not that you instantly grow dreads after a toke, but I always forget that you have to define exactly what you mean on the internet boards or you get barraged for it. It's my fault and I should have been more explicit about what I was going for. In that light, can you see my point.
  20. Well not to encourage BG anymore than he needs ... but that is what the "typical" stoner looks like. Sure there are plenty of people who don't necessarily fit the stereotype ... but when you are super high even the most intellectual person can/does look like that. So in essence he is making fun of my post by posting something vaguely hilarious. Does it win points ... of course not but it makes people laugh.We have had the "gateway" argument in many other threads so I found the picture amusing.
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