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Everything posted by lind0

  1. Note taking is definitely worth it if you can keep up.
  2. OK good. I get really annoyed at those idiots. Sorry if I missed the sarcasm.
  3. Yep, it's all rigged. That MUST be it. Because that could NEVER happen in real life. It would just be impossible... I'm so sick of hearing about this crap. Let's settle this once and for all. Anyone who thinks that online poker is rigged is kidding themselves. If it was rigged, people would choose another site, and if people choose another site then the rigged site will be out of business. Reputation is everything for any casino, online or otherwise. If you want to find out how the cards are randomized, most sites have an incredibly detailed explanation of how it's done. The statisti
  4. How about just calling before the flop and trying to trap the other man. If he raises it after you call, then you could move in on him. If he checks and an ace comes down, you can play the hand slowly and hope to show it down or still get away from it without losing too much. If he checks and no ace comes down, then you have lots of options and if he happens to catch something decent, you've got him for a bunch of chips. However, given your table image at the time and that fact that you had already raised, I think you made the right move.
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