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Everything posted by SapphireTiger

  1. in poker, you win by making the most money. your example really doesn't make too much sense. I understand what you mean though, and my answer is that i would rather take 2nd and get the money.
  2. booooout in 296th.Lost with trip kingsssssssssss
  3. meh, lost 2k with pocket Tens...then picked up KK the next hand and there were 3 limpers but they all folded wheni raised it up. sitting at 3,590
  4. i'm reading Gulliver's Travels while i play...pretty easy to play when you have a cold deck.
  5. $4,740 at the 2nd break. Not a lot, but i've still got an M of over 20.
  6. having a hard time here, every raise i throw in i'm promptly re-raised. AT best hand the past 2 levels. the play is pretty straightforward because everyone at my table is still overbetting the pot. but they are grinding me down and i'm at 4740.
  7. everyone at my table is overbetting the pot by a ridiculous amount.
  8. gtholdem is on my right. He usually raises preflop 10x the bb and then overbets the pot by 4x no matter what he has. i'm just biding my time.grinded myself up to 6,320
  9. bump, lets see if we can get more FCPers in here.
  10. i don't want to spoil anything for people who don't want anything to be spoiled...but i'll tell you that although some things seem straightforward and obvious, they are not.wow...how vague is that.want to know what walt is saying? I knowwwwwwant to know what some of the whispers are saying? i knowwwwwwwwant to know more about the Hanso Foundation? i knowwwwwwi love lost.
  11. This whole post is completely off base.The party line on Hellmuth from DN and many others including Andy Glazer, John Bonetti and others have said that Phil is a jacka$$ at the table and the nicest guy away from it.I would love to know which other pro's you speak of.He doesn't have to be on TV...he constantly berates individuals on the UB. of course, there's no cameras on him, but i guess he has to uphold his image.I never said he had to be on TV. Your post didnt really add anything. I said he is an a$$ at the poker table. That includes an online poker table.I said away from a poker table
  12. if you guys want some spoilers...i'm very educated in the world of lost.There are some assumptions in this thread that aren't trueeeeeeeeeeee.muahahhaha.(i downloaded the new episode).
  13. This whole post is completely off base.The party line on Hellmuth from DN and many others including Andy Glazer, John Bonetti and others have said that Phil is a jacka$$ at the table and the nicest guy away from it.I would love to know which other pro's you speak of.He doesn't have to be on TV...he constantly berates individuals on the UB. of course, there's no cameras on him, but i guess he has to uphold his image.
  14. When you use phrases like"He pulled a Tritz!"or"what an aspiringdonk"or"I"ll open farrell your nuts"in every day conversations.
  15. WHAT?? There was a new lost episode??? I thought they weren't showing a new episode for another week!!!!!I usually hate people that put extra exclamation points but this makes me extremely upset! I LIVE for lost episodes.Dammit!
  16. i've only played the slots twice! so i invested 1.50 and won $2,500. pretty awesome deal.
  17. guess i'll stick with the poker tables then.I just have amazing luck on the slots. I've hit 2 decent sized jackpots in the last 2 months on my first pull at indian casinos
  18. I speak English, A decent amount of spanish, a little bit of tagalog, and a touch of japanese and french.
  19. SapphireTiger

    fake ids

    Hypothetically,lets say i have access to a really good fake id, blacklight/scannable.How difficult is it to be caught with one? In bars and in casinos.What happens if i win a big jackpot at a casino? How in depth do they check the card?What are the consequences? Fines?allllllllll hypothetical of course.
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