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Everything posted by Billionaire

  1. Wall Street Journal: Opinion Monday, October 13, 2008Obama's 95% IllusionIt depends on what the meaning of 'tax cut' is.One of Barack Obama's most potent campaign claims is that he'll cut taxes for no less than 95% of "working families." He's even promising to cut taxes enough that the government's tax share of GDP will be no more than 18.2% -- which is lower than it is today.It's a clever pitch, because it lets him pose as a middle-class tax cutter while disguising that he's also proposing one of the largest tax increases ever on the other 5%. But how does he conjure this miracle, especially
  2. so i owe kobe 5 now, terrific, and who is lunchbox12 on stars the dude is the biggest tool on that site which is hard to accomplish, whats his name on here?
  3. http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-...s-table-310531/ftp mistake
  4. pretty ricockulous top 8 chip leaders right nowandy bloch 300 000erik seidel 297 000daniel negreanu 235 000john juanda 220 000justin smith 215 000brian townsend 210 000mike matusow 200 000brandon adams 190 000
  5. that hand was so sick, how does that guy insta call there?
  6. so sick how daniel just went out, flop 745 two clubs, daniel shoves in for like 9k into a 1k pot, other guy snap calls with 7 10 off, daniel had 45, 7 on turn to make sure he is drawing dead
  7. bump...come on guys we need more than 11 people, i am in
  8. thank you its much appreciated, search function > meedit: after looking at link i have been there and it didn't have it, cheers
  9. would be more impressed with him sitting with almost 3 million on 1 table
  10. very inept at searching though i spent a good amount of time searching for this, someone a while back was talking about a new casino in northeast oklahoma around the arkansas, mizzou border. I was wondering if anyone remembers the name of this casino because i cannot find it anywhere, i was looking for a new poker room to visit because i enjoy some new scenery every now and then
  11. To kickoff the season i would like to ask this question, how far in advance are college football schedules calculated? 5 years would be my guess but i truly have no idea, i tried googling this but i couldn't figure out how to phrase the question and always got back results for teams schedules, thanks
  12. i saw minh playing the big game about a month and a half ago at the bellagio, blew smoke in my girlfriends face by accident but didn't apologize
  13. considering chau plays 1k 2k online i don't think its him
  14. you obviously haven't read anything above, but i appreciate the agreement!
  15. yea but something like this wont really get the public who doesn't love poker already
  16. haha, i know i saw yours and was like...damn it!i think its funny one of the accounts townsend was using is Stellarnebula and if you sharkscope it, it shows he played 19 $1 sit n gos...wtf?
  17. thoughts from anyone else on whether or not what he did was wrong or not? I think if you are playing poker you shouldn't feel cheated if someone drops down and plays you. This brings me back to what phil laak did at the WSOP. Poker is situational, wouldn't these 25/50 players improve their play greatly by playing btownsend, shouldn't they thank him?
  18. http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthread.php?t=285131two plus two is making a big deal about this but failed to remember a time when patrik antonius and david b had like 10 accounts going, he wanted some anonymity i don't think what he did was wrong, but you be the judge.
  19. i couldn't help but laugh at the word e-cocks, basically just cause it has the word cocks in it and mine is definitely bigger, on a serious note though i only have one beer left in the fridge and i have been trying to google the answer but cannot find it. I thought i had heard cherokee dropped scotty as their main guy and when i went on their website to look at the schedule for the upcoming scotty nguyen tournament in october they have no tournaments listed. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1820177
  20. this didnt deserve a response as it doesn't even make sense, but i like having the last word, good job little guy, making yourself look even dumber, NOW we can get back to scotty
  21. and also maybe its because they cant BAN you from drinking even if you have gone to rehab. Are you familiar with the laws in this country? i was rereading some of your posts and you seem to be the king of pretty ricockulous statements and creating worthless threads, not flaming, just saying, on that note lets get back to the subject of scotty rumored to have been dropped by his biggest sponsor the cherokee casino in tulsa, oklahoma.
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