Ok, so here goes my first time posting a hand and wanting some feedback so bear with me.The game is Limit Hold'em $2 - $6 spreadButton - Me $160Player 1- Tight But super Aggresive Player Only playing premium cards - $300ishBlind - New Player no read - $50ishI am delt QJ Clubs call $2 blind Seat next to me Calls $2 ( I know he has a decent hand since he is in but didn't raise like he would with a Big PP or AK, AQ) Blind checks. [u]Flop:[/u]8s Jd 7SPlayer 1 - CheckBlind - Bet $6Me - CallPlayer 1 - CallTurn:2dPlayer 1 - CheckBlind - $6Me - Raise to $12Player 1 - CallBlind - CallRiver:4dPlayer