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Everything posted by Milton

  1. $25 sent to Jesse, ready to go and accept my "new guy" seed of 8. Thanks.
  2. Sublime, change me to a "definitely in" if you end up running this. I probably won't even need a transfer, I'll just buy a prepaid visa.
  3. Alright, that's cool. Just as long as I can get on this.
  4. I'm not active on the forums much and haven't been playing much lately, so I've taken out all of my money on Stars.However, I'm interested in joining this thing under the assumption that someone can transfer me some money on Stars. Whoever is collecting all of the money and can be trusted here, either hit me with a PM or reply to the thread. I'll send the money up front on Paypal.FCP: MiltonStars: The Milton
  5. Seriously, could you be more of a self-promoting dou.che?
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