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Everything posted by almostharmless

  1. I know this is a poker forum and maybe this topic will get closed as irretrievably OT after about one minute, but so it goes. Daniel, you have never been wronger than you are in your comments about Iraq . I write as someone who flies the flag with friends whose children have fought and died in Iraq.A brief recap.The WTT was bombed by maniacs flying airplanes who were members of Al Qaeda. In response, we (the US) invaded Afghanistan. No problem there; that's where Al Qaeda was headquartered. We screwed it up because Donald Rumsfeld spooged every time he heard the words "shock and awe" and tho
  2. I've pretty much switched over to Mac for everything, but FTP is about the only site I know of that runs a Mac program. It's a royal pain in the couscous to have to hold onto a Windows PC just for poker. Of course, now that Windows has copied OSX with Vista, the programs may not run well on Windows any more either. Let's get with it, people!
  3. I have no problem with talk between hands, even if the talkers are getting obnoxious. I really dislike all the chitchat during hands in play, whether Matusow or Gold or Sheiky or whoever. Just shut up and let your chips do your talking for you.It's really bad when there are 3 players in the hand and (e.g.) Gold is talking to one and completely ignoring the other. Entirely inappropriate.If Gold can't run a bluff without running his mouth he should go sit on Johnny Chan's lap for another few months.Probably the stupidest stuff that goes on is when someone is deciding on a bet and starts trying t
  4. A couple of things. The Feds suspected Neteller of laundering, but so far as I understand they arrested the two on the theory that in their public offering they knowingly invited people to participate in what they knew to be an illegal activity (ie, gambling). This is based on the prospectus that the company issued in which it said, in part, that gambling MAY be illegal in your state. This is the kind of wide net warning that lawyers make corporations put in all their offerings. Ms. Shulman has written about this extensively in Card Player and elsewhere; the feds' theory is bogus and the two s
  5. >In the States 'hustling' is considered respectable. >In England 'hustling' is considered cheating. You are basically conning someone out of their money by some underhanded means. >All the old Texans where hustlers and made their money by hook or crook. Look at Amerillo Slim, one of the biggest Hustlers in American history.I don't know what happened; Ram's story sounds plausible, but I'm in no position to decide and I doubt that any of the principals would give a rat's patoot about my opinion on the matter one way or the other.That said, as to the above quote, there's a difference, IM
  6. Somewhere in the second half hour of NBC's HU championship, one of the announcer girls went to Doyle who was sitting in the audience. She asked him why he wasn't playing, and he replied that "For the first time in 50-something years I've lost my passion for poker." At that moment the phone rang and I couldn't hear the rest clearly, but it sounded like he was said something about the "recent security events" having a lot to do with it. I think I heard that right. I wasn't sure if he was talking about some incident at a tournament, or if he was referring to all the online nonsense, which caused
  7. I tend to agree. FWIW, I never liked the "home run" style and never played it much. For a couple of weeks I forced myself to play it just to get the feel of it and stop being intimidated by the all-in, but it's not a style I'm comfortable with.It's one of many reasons I love to watch Dan play. Given that most of the hands you get in hold-em are crap, what Daniel does has shown me a path to getting the most out of the crap. I prefer his play to that of someone like Hansen, because I think Dan is more calculated in what he does. Last night at Doyle's Room I was in a tourney with 288 entered, and
  8. I agree about Hachem. I think he continues to improve and shows serious game although I'd sure like to know what sent him on tilt at the World Series (throwing his hand in the air and yelling "I've got the rockets, baby!") I can't think of any pro that would pull that sort of stunt. So he's still got some growing up to do, but I like his game overall and expect to see him do well over the next few years.I'm not sure about Raymer, but I certainly agree about Moneymaker and Gold. So far as I can tell, Moneymaker hasn't improved at all since 2003. Jamie Gold had no real game at all, just a phenom
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