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Everything posted by NorthPacific

  1. Very nice. The only better feeling would to have been the short stack when offered the cash.
  2. Wow, it is really starting to sink in, this thread has died. I'm sorry I missed the hayday. I still hope to meet as many of you as I can. Maybe this summer if you all do a Vegas trip. It has been my profound pleasure to read and vicariously live through the posts of you all. Thank you.
  3. This is correct. Not a hard one, I know. So, do you like, dislike, no opinion?
  4. I see and like what you did there as well.
  5. "Look at the big brain on Brad." Anyone recognize? (or everyone) I really like this movie. My gf can't stand it. It is my Friday. Not much going on as everyone has left town for the off season. They will all return in force starting 12/26. Our busy time is the dead of winter. I made my world famous Turkey and Wild Rice soup today. (famous in my world) It was ok. I put it in the slow cooker this morning after getting off work and was planning on waking up and adding carots and celery but oveslept so it was lacking some texture. I really like making soups. I make a Tortilla Soup that i
  6. Thanksgiving was very nice this year. My youngest was in town so I had both of my boys with me. We of course made the requisite turkey, mashed potatos and gravy, corn on the cob, cranberry sauce, stuffing, mac and cheese, homemade dinner rolls, aladix (Aleut fry bread), garlic green beans, pumpking pie, and Dutch apple pie. In addition to the boys and I, were my gf, her mother, her sister, her brother and his wife, and thier daughter. So we had a house full with enough food for another house full.
  7. I like the old Japan Iron Chef shows much better. It just seems they are trying too hard to make weird shit to appear more Japanese. That being said, I still watch it and love some of the dishes they come up with.
  8. Never miss the show. I liked the premise of having to earn your way onto the show that they have initiated this and last season. I just hope they show more cooking and less fluff.
  9. Hello? is this thing on? Did I break it? Is that an echo I hear? 355 days and counting. I need to keep focused. The winter has just started and I'm already tired of it. I have lived in AK for 23 years, 19 in Unalaska. I love AK and its been good to me but I am ready for warmer and less isolated places. Where is everyone? I read on FB that Ren went on a cruise. I'm still toying with this idea. I may have to just bite the bullet and go on one.
  10. I'm back in the land of cold weather, wind, and snow. I left CA on a day it reached 90 degrees and arrived in Anchorage to 12 degree weather, caught a plane to Unalaska where it was 34 with 2 inches of snow on the ground. 358 days to retirement. The trip was fun. GF and I arrived in CA on Friday 11/26 and slept most of the day. Had a nice dinner with my step-mom, brother, brother's fiancé. Left for the Napa Valley early on Saturday. Attended a wine tasting class at the Culinary Institute of America. I thoroughly enjoyed the class. It was scheduled for 2 hours but we went 3. Had lunch at t
  11. Thanks, I haven't been off the island since March. I'm ready. I'm also pretty excited that my baby brother is getting married. I tell you what though, what started as a nice relaxing jaunt to see my brother get hitched has turned into a round robin free for all of travel and excitement. Anyone in Vegas on the 29th or the 31st? Will be flying to Vegas and driving to Chino Valley near Phoenix.
  12. So I am flying out to CA on Thursday. I hope to spend the first weekend in the Napa Valley. Then I am apparently flying to Phoenix for several days before flying back for my brothers wedding. He is getting married in La Honda on a friends ranch. Should be a fun time. We are staying at a B & B in Pescadero. Should be a very relaxing time.
  13. Don't hurt yourself reading all the post to get caught up Paul.
  14. After due diligence, careful consideration, years of painstaking research, I have reached the inevitable conclusion that I will now share with you all... There is chocolate. There is caramel. They are bite sized. They are tasty. The only conclusion that can be reached is...Milk Duds are the perfect candy.
  15. Depending on the status of my retirement I might actually be able to make Vegas in June.
  16. So are you talking about the traditional summer trip or is it too early to discuss when?
  17. Tonight is the last day of my 14 days in a row of work. I work a 12 hour shift. Depending on how you look at it I work tomorrow as well but only for 1 hour for a meeting. I look at it like this, if I have to come into work, even for an hour, then its not a day off. But after 14 days I'm willing to change this viewpoint so that I don't go insane. By the end of the month I will have worked on all but 3 out of 31 days. I am so ready for a vacation. The next 5 months are going to royally suck.
  18. I looked at one of those too. I was thinking it sounded pretty cool but I may want to try a shorter cruise first to get my feet wet so to speak.
  19. Ho hum. Another boring day on the island. I am on day 7 of a 14 day stretch with no days off. I must say this does in fact suck. I had a 12 hour shift yesterday and will have a 10 hour shift today.In international news, the Kullick pulled out today and will slowly plod up to the Beaufort Sea to drill for black gold riches. I must say that Shell being here has been an economic boon for the city.I am thinking of making 3 rugs out of our dogs. Either that or I am going to get some doggie downers for them.
  20. Do you have a link or advice for where to find deals on repositioning cruises?
  21. Looking at the expense of getting to Key West I think that if I do eventually go on a cruise, it wont be this one. And yes, Mexico is uber scary these days.
  22. I am thinking I need to go on this cruise. http://topchefthecruise.com/ Anyone want to go? I've never been on a cruise before. I'm not sure if I will like it or not. I'm thinking I will either love it or hate it. I love being on the water but not sure about being stuck on a boat, regardless of how big and luxurious it may be. Anyway, I love watching Top Chef. My weekly cooking get-together was inspired by the show. We used to watch it and have a psuedo cooking contest. Now we just get together and have good food and fun.
  23. Well my roof leaks. I knew that it did but I didn't realize it leaked as bad as it actually does. I foresee some acrobatics in my future as I try and not kill myself on top of the roof fixing stuff. Luckily I have a bunch of climibing gear that I can break out of storage and put to use. The roof is exceptionally steep so it should be fun. I figure I'll tie off on the uphill side and rappel down to where I suspect the leaks are coming from.
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