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Everything posted by SBriand

  1. There is a pic of my boy taken just a bit ago. He makes me feel old.
  2. Cancel that for now. Yahoo league is fubared. Anyone willing to do the auction on MSN? If not, then make your email public on our league and I will grant you access to try and fix it.
  4. Yahoo is a big flaming pile of shit. I hate it. I have spent all morning dealing with finalizing keepers and trying to set up the draft but the system is stupid and looks like I have to manually add keepers to teams which makes no effing sense to me at all. Then it will add a keeper cost and then I have to use that against what each player has to spend, which I haven't finished doing either, and people need to confirm those numbers as well which no one has all weekend. This is way more work than I planned on. I leaving for the rest of the day. Hopefully I can get back to it and figure it out t
  5. Oh boy, angry steve is angry, lol.Yeah you're busy. I get that, we all are. Some more than others. Look at poor dannyg breastfeeding his kid while clicking the box on yahoo to set his keepers. We all could make excuses. But we committed to the league and found the time within our busy lives. I have no doubt that if one of us found out that we could not find 30 minutes in 34 days to do this we would step down. But you don't care do you? Maybe you do, hard to tell. Doesn't look like it. I for some odd reason am now starting to take it personal. I am the one waiting on you. I have things to do in
  6. Is this where I beg you to please don't go?Sorry the comments that reek of the truth are the ones that bother you. Poor you. Out of 12 GM's you don't have 20 minutes. Like we all have all the free time in the world and found that time in the last, let me count, 34 days. It wasn't 6. It wasn't 3. It was 34 days. Then we gave you another day and now if we give you another 2 that will be alright and I will just have to sit back and waste more of my time waiting on you like I did last night and tonight. Yeah, poor little serge. Do you even understand the Nell comment? I think it fits perfectly. I
  7. Yeah not like he hasn't had weeks to do it before leaving town but whatever. I set mine way back around 2/11. I canceled the deadline for keepers. It's set again for tomorrow at midnight. Not out of kindness but out of my desire to not have to sit there next Thursday night building a team that didn't set their keepers like everyone else did.
  8. I know this is a big hassle for some of you but it is the best that can be done unless someone has the means financially and/or professionally to create a site like the old FCHL site or something similar.This is a link to the 2012 Farm RosterOn auction night have this page up in your browser and you can search before you make your nomination. I could take the time and search all 166 players to see if they are in the yahoo database and then create fake teams in the league for them but that will jut be a big waste of time and make the long process of the auction draft longer because those other
  9. Oh can I go? I am boring now but I am sure I will fail as a parent just like I did a, whatever I actually was at the apartment place, so I should provide entertainment when things are slow.
  10. Oh yes, I have my handy dandy reference for figuring out what I am doingC RuizC Avila1B Fielder2B UgglaSS Escobar ???3B RamirezMI AltuveMI UribeCI PenaCI DunnOF GrandersonOF EthierOF JacksonOF GordonOF Huff UT PaganUT P Texas B LaPortaB PierreB KouzmanoffB WiggingtonB B B BP Cinci
  11. Really?I mean overall I don't care but I find it amusing that the rare times I see you post here it is usually to troll serge. It seems like you are being biatch like and we all know how you reacted to that. Don't get me wrong, I don't care about trolling, it's all fun and games, but it's just funny to see people get bent out of shape about getting trolled yet go out and troll others.
  12. Aaron Hicks is available. He is an RFA and can be signed long term for $1.50. I need a couple decent MI's and a 3B and all my picks are available.PM me at FCBL or at my iBeaver account here.
  13. The complete lack of super tecmo bowl is killing me right now. Not Tecmo Bowl. Super Tecmo Bowl which was 100000000x better than the original as it had real teams and real licensed players and kept full stats. I think that is all I did at college. All 28 teams were taken by 28 of us on our floor and we played full season after full season against each other. By far one of the greatest single video games period, not just sports games.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tecmo_Super_Bowl
  14. I sent invitations to all teams from last year on Feb 11th.The following people have not registered.WayneSergeJPJohnPlease check your inbox's of the mail account you used for the league last season as that was where the email went. I resent Wayne's and JP's because they didn't hide their email like John and Serge did. This needs to be sooner rather than later so that you can set your keepers from last season and I can get the yahoo league set up for the auction. There is also a lot of talk going on the last week at the fcbl forum about possible rule changes. If you haven't been there then I su
  15. SBriand


    You should all have an email for the yahoo league. You can then select your keepers from roster from last season. This will help out a lot.
  16. Sorry about the lateness of this. Hopefully I will have time to get it all down before my replacement comes back and I have to go back to training. So Wednesday afternoon this gentleman shows up at my office and tells me that he is the power of attorney for the my serial killer. He is also his I guess, health advocate. Seems serial killer has some mental issues. Bi Polar, dangerous to himself and sometimes others, has been committed a few times in his life, most recently 6 months ago. Well that I guess sheds some light on how creepy I found him to be. He states that he had dinner with SK on Fr
  17. Sadly the guys friend is in my office waiting for the ME. It would be in bad taste. Tomorrow I will update.
  18. Yesterday was quite the day. I have no idea how I got though it all dealing with people angry about money they owe.I will make this short as possible but we have two sisters who live her in separate apartments. The mother lives with one of them. They received a letter stating that the one in C owed $560 and the one in K owed $710. Since their lease is up they need to renew but you cannot renew unless you have a zero balance. The mother called me Monday night and said that they didn't owe any money. I said, ok, call the number on the letter (my boss' number) and talk to him. I don't handle the
  19. Even with late fees his rent is actually 640. If he just paid on time his rent is $590. People are just stupid. That is all there is to it. Alright, 2nd story.So last month a woman comes in. She is the daughter of one of our older tenants and she tells us that there is mold on a couple walls in her parents apartment. She is not happy about this and tells me herself at that time "Mold is not something to mess around with, we need to get this taken care of right away!" Yuppers! No question about that. So I call the maintenance man (referred to as MM from now on) and tell him to go take a look an
  20. Oh look, he dropped off $2145. YEAH THAT IS WHAT I THOUGHT BITCH!Still in the middle of dealing with the second story that is growing by the minute.
  21. Only 3 days left in my wonderful job. Figured I would scrape the barrell of any semi interesting stupid tenant stories I get this week. I got a couple. They probably suck but it does show that the human race is either bad at math or just annoying.First story was from yesterday. Since I am leaving the boss decided he should probably do some work and see if anyone owes us large sums of money. There was a lot. One in particular owed us $2145. He moved in 6/1/11. I guess he got the letter about it and called my boss and they got into a circular argument. The guy I guess just kept telling my boss t
  22. I don't understand anything in that link. What is an AMA. American Medical Association? I don't get it. IAMA? That makes me think of pet food. Reddit on the whole confuses me. I hate the thread structure and I just must be too stupid to get it. I like Felicia Day though. On Tosh, his show is awesome. I don't care if he allegedly rips people off at reddit. At least when he is doing that it makes sense to me and I laugh and I need laughter in my life.
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