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Everything posted by mase_gotsem

  1. do you have to tax gifts ? say some one from canada staked gib at say 20 % gib and 80 % backer and backer say gave his 80% winnings as a gift what happens ?
  2. haha sweet just got home and see gibler is crushing souls and over night chip leader go get em man so awsome .
  3. haha awsome vid i like dion a little more then i used to now merry fkn christmas
  4. omg i wish i was seat 8 that tle looks so fungood luck gib do the dam thing
  5. humm odd that your going for the US just becouse most players from the leafs are american .. or is it you hate a couple players on canada more ?i hate crosby as much as anyone but i dont think id go against my home country just to despise him.
  6. def sad and bitter about the loss, canada had so many chances to win that game but looked so slow at times .. very frustrating to watch but an amazing last 5 minutes once again just wish we won it 7 in a row wlda been a sweet victory. man do the US have some fast players there first line is amazing fast and exciting they played very good and deserved the win congrats to them.officialls made a couple horrid calls but im not gonna sit here and make excuses it was a great game and it could of gone either way,BRING ON THE OLYMPICS BABY
  7. A10<88 nice life kj flops for an extra 4 outs still brick w.e sik of trnys
  8. wow seriously how do i not hit here.. can i win a hand deep like this one time in my life ..PokerStars Game #37615543972: Tournament #242020010, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVII (2500/5000) - 2010/01/03 21:13:15 ETTable '242020010 260' 9-max Seat #3 is the buttonSeat 1: kAmIkAdZeEe (87684 in chips) Seat 2: kribliano (63964 in chips) Seat 3: Calib.45 (47628 in chips) Seat 5: mase_gotsem (142070 in chips) Seat 6: StatusUp (73688 in chips) Seat 7: AAA MARTIN (156546 in chips) Seat 8: VincentGallo (18720 in chips) Seat 9: tcob247 (113312 in chips) kAmIkAdZeEe: posts the ante 500kribliano
  9. hey pilly pill what did u get your roll to im curiouse you were at 2k or somethin i seen in a thread you still blowin up or wut ?
  10. wow do these situations fkn tilt me so hard ,.PokerStars Game #37614723438: Tournament #242020010, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (2000/4000) - 2010/01/03 20:51:27 ETTable '242020010 260' 9-max Seat #3 is the buttonSeat 1: kAmIkAdZeEe (41442 in chips) Seat 3: SHYL0CK38 (28066 in chips) Seat 4: pammertime (103167 in chips) Seat 5: mase_gotsem (109027 in chips) Seat 6: StatusUp (53388 in chips) Seat 7: AAA MARTIN (79190 in chips) Seat 8: ovv77 (73830 in chips) Seat 9: tcob247 (31670 in chips) kAmIkAdZeEe: posts the ante 400SHYL0CK38: posts the ante 400pammertime: posts the ante 400mas
  11. hand b4 third break sigh balls such a cruel river :(PokerStars Game #37612263273: Tournament #242020010, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (750/1500) - 2010/01/03 19:53:55 ETTable '242020010 260' 9-max Seat #4 is the buttonSeat 1: Cliper1 (27848 in chips) Seat 2: cjwill33 (18975 in chips) Seat 3: SHYL0CK38 (32616 in chips) Seat 4: pammertime (58520 in chips) Seat 5: mase_gotsem (61855 in chips) Seat 6: StatusUp (16629 in chips) Seat 7: white refa (44957 in chips) Seat 8: ovv77 (46647 in chips) Seat 9: tcob247 (37135 in chips) Cliper1: posts the ante 150cjwill33: posts the ante 150SHYL0
  12. busto 55 75k :(PokerStars Game #37605805608: Tournament #242010687, $50+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2010/01/03 17:42:47 ETTable '242010687 151' 9-max Seat #2 is the buttonSeat 1: Reiarturo (4190 in chips) Seat 2: Bill Ivey (1830 in chips) Seat 3: mase_gotsem (1952 in chips) Seat 4: Fritz1315 (5562 in chips) Seat 5: jasondvk (2060 in chips) Seat 6: GHoonit (3335 in chips) Seat 7: SavePluto9 (5276 in chips) Seat 8: clarkkent33 (3070 in chips) Seat 9: msusyr24 (5855 in chips) mase_gotsem: posts small blind 25Fritz1315: posts big blind 50*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to mase_gotsem [Ad
  13. first sm off 2010 5th hand in donk shoved a river and got called woop der it is .. im sure ill find a way to mess this upPokerStars Game #37602223149: Tournament #242020010, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (25/50) - 2010/01/03 16:37:19 ETTable '242020010 427' 9-max Seat #8 is the buttonSeat 1: mase_gotsem (10000 in chips) Seat 2: greektome2 (10650 in chips) Seat 3: onko8 (9925 in chips) Seat 4: phishfiend (9925 in chips) Seat 5: noone9 (9850 in chips) Seat 6: zarkosai (9925 in chips) Seat 7: Antonisgr (6650 in chips) Seat 8: tykro (9800 in chips) Seat 9: NDjockey (13500 in chips) NDjoc
  14. decline and party .. pls, or take this quick course bas rutten street fighting part-1 gl be safeHAPPY NEW YEARS 3 hours till the ball drops goin to be a long night
  15. lol im sorry my spelling is elementry and the fact that half the time one of my hands is usually on my crotch makes me feel a little better but the fact your a lonley suicidal shia labouffe loving closet homo sexual makes me feel a little more better,sorry i dont find her hott and wouldnt brag about banging her i have paid plenty of hotter girls and i mean much hotter girls to do things with me that im sure made them cry later while cleansing in a bleach filled tub . oh well to each his own.
  16. om' like i dont know om.. if like i could ever get it up for her om .. ya i dont think so om ya .. ill pass
  17. ivey is such a degen i herd he even gambles during sex, " honey i bet you 500k i can last more than 5 minutes this time " kinda surprised it took this long
  18. Do you ever ask him for advice on poker and or does he ever point out to you anything he thinks you may be doing wrong or try to giv you tips here n there ?if you feel like answering this i notice you dodging all the others ..net worth over or under 100 mill ?coming up was ivey a "geek" or a player i hear hes awsome at pac man or was does he still like to game when he has timedid he and ram scamswani ever settle there golf dispute ?is he striaght edge or does he like to party like a rock star ..?
  19. santa obv isnt original he got me the same lol Congratz happy holidays all dont drink and drive pls
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