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Everything posted by bigdog3580

  1. Good one. I expected at least what the other people posted, not a guy who can't at least read the board."F" Pokerstars.
  2. I know you guys are going to say I must not know how to play."F" that. We all know how to play. I'll give you a hand breakdown of this whole tourney.I lost with AA to 7-7 all-in ealier when the guy with 7-7 goes all in UTG with the blinds 100-200 no ante.I've played them all and PS is the worst.
  3. Fking time after time this site fuking gives rivers and bs all the time.This hand isnt the only time but its the last hand I play on PS.FK Daniel and I have been on this forum a long time and I used to like him.There is no way that PS is on the up and up,I hope they dont get their license from the U.S. when online gaming goes U.S. bound.Again "F" Pokerstars and Daniel for being part of this bullshit site.Seat 9: Ross63 (5525 in chips) bigdog3580: posts the ante 25passthesu007: posts the ante 25badplains: posts the ante 25woody1234321: posts the ante 25KngCopyCat: posts the ante 25carloochi: p
  4. Somehow I need to be emailed when the next quarter starts. Any ideas, anyone? I would like to play each week.
  5. All I know is wherever FCP goes, I got at least 10 people to sign up for an affiliate program. With Partypoker going out, this leaves alot of players needing somewhere to go. So I hope he picks a good network.
  6. We play 10 pin but it doesn't matter.Just bowlers. Even Lawn, I guess.
  7. I have been getting bowlers to play in a friendly $10 sitngo game on Fridays.If you are interested please email me at bigdog3580@cox.net to get the password.The game is tonight at 9 p.m. Pacific.We had 11 players last week.Please, bolwers only need reply.Thanks, Daren Kbigdog3580
  8. I can play. Let me know. I am on another network site but I read here often.Darenbigdog3580
  9. Heres the e-mail i got earlier because I used my same username and password and it didnt work. So I e-mailed beacuse their live help wouldnt answer at first.Hello Darren,Thank you for contacting Full Contact Poker.In order to play at the .net site, you will need to create an account at FullContactPoker.net , because the sites are slightly different.If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to contact us again!Sincerely,CharlynnFullContactPoker.comsupport@fullcontactpoker.comPhone: 1-878-797-3300
  10. I am not going to dig through posts like you do. Thats why they have 24 hr live help.My online sportsbook has better service people than these guys.My point was, I shouldnt have to talk online for 16 minutes to get a couple of questions.
  11. You cant have the same username. you have to reregister at fullcontact.net.LIKE I SAID BEFORE FULLCONTACT.COM IS DIFFERENT THEN FULLCONTACT.NETThat post is wrong.
  12. You cant have the same username. you have to reregister at fullcontact.net.LIKE I SAID BEFORE FULLCONTACT.COM IS DIFFERENT THEN FULLCONTACT.NETThat post is wrong.
  13. If all the players and customer service are as rude as you, I will stick to other sites.
  14. Hey jackass,Does it say you have to reregister at fullcontact.net. That your fullcontact.com username wont work??? And where on fullcontact.net does it say where the freeroll is?NO F&@#$^ing WHERE???Read the call before you comment JACKASS!!!!!!!!!
  15. You didn't see the problem. YOUR CUSTOMER SERVCE STINKS>>>>Did you see how long it took to answer a few simple questions???Customer Service should be number 1 and not having SNOTTY reps telling me they'll disconnect because of abusive language, which only the word"damn" was used.
  16. This is why i will never open up an account at this site. I want to but.........my dealing with customer service after them not being there the first time I tried....." r u there?"** You are now speaking with Charlynn - Full Contact Poker Support, Full Contact Poker Support. **Charlynn - Full Contact Poker Support : Hello Charlynn - Full Contact Poker Support : May I have your username please? bigdog3580 : bigdog3580bigdog3580 : Is cullcnatactpoker.net same as the .com?bigdog3580 : My name doesnt work therebigdog3580 : sorry bad typingbigdog3580 : helloCharlynn - Full Contact Poker Support :
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