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Everything posted by SCYUKON

  1. Many of us Canadians are hedging against Global Cooling by buying 2nd houses or condos in Scottsdale and Palm Springs.......And if universal health care ever does arrive, hell knows, it may be financially safe (from a going broke if you ever got really sick and did not have 100% health care coverage) to live there full time.So as Balloon Guy might say, don't pass the universal health care bill, or you are going to have an influx of annoyingly polite Canadians. And maybe even me - cuz I am so sick of this -40C chit.
  2. Yes, in an interesting process known as "getting climatized", jackets will be unzipped at 0C (32F) for outdoor walks, after a cold spell like this. Was in Calgary today and -9C was quite comfy for a short period with no jacket outside. So sick.This cold densensification also carries over when we go south to escape winter for a bit. It is usually the Canadians who are quite happy to be out tanning and swimming with the temperature barely past 60F in early January, while the local Sctottsdale folks are teeth chattering away in their jackets.
  3. Now I remember why all of this global warming stuff makes me so insane again - not feeling it up in the Great White North.Check this shit out, in Celsius no less, from the weather network:After a weak warm up at the end of last week, Prairie temperatures plummeted again over the weekend reaching an all-time low in Edmonton.At one point on Saturday night, Edmonton had the dubious distinction of being the coldest place on Earth. The record low temperature of -46 degrees was measured at the Edmonton International Airport. With the Wind Chill, it felt colder than -50. The city itself was a balmy -
  4. Good God, it seems to be going from bad to worse. Now a doctor who has treated Tiger, Dana Torres, and several NFL players was busted in Canada in October with HGH.I should not be too quick to judge, but when Gary Player came forward a few years ago and said that a well know player was using Steroids, the first name that came to mind was Tiger. Hope for his sake this is not true, or even Nike is going to have to pull the plug then......Really going out on a limb now.....wonder if Tiger knew ALL of this was going to come out, and tried to overdose and even purposely run into that tree on Than
  5. And now back to our regularly scheduled debate.Turns out the hairy unkempt fellow has a bit of a financial stake in climate change....tsk tsk, big surprise here. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdel...-head-the-ipcc/
  6. 1. I don't think so.2. It was a Sunday we were discussing. Now you are on the self-pwnage train.
  7. Yes, it never occurred to me for a single second that he was being sarcastic. Not at all.For chit and giggles though, thought I would check out his little corner of the world.And in trying to be a smartass, he ended up pwning himself. Gave me a perfect opportunity to present a parallel with all the other Algorithems, talking out of their rear end in spite of the truth.At least if you are going to try and be clever, pick a day with some statistical validity to it.
  8. Please do. My guess is you wil be reporting the latter far more than the former. But that is just a guess. Glad to hear you escaped old man winter for at least one more day though. :)p.s. so I take it that it was much higher than 42F today. Good for you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence,_Kansas#ClimateOh dear, pants on fire. Better delete your post. Right on at 42 today. Tsk Tsk. It is amazing what good can come from actually checking the facts. http://www2.ljworld.com/weather/
  9. Hee hee, despite the cold outside, this warms my heart to see the hairy dude throwing Phil Jones and Michael Mann (aka "a few black sheep) under the bus...http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/environm...debate-1.552662
  10. Kinda? It is only -33F (-36C) here this morning. It warmed up a bit windchill wise from yesterdays's balmy -40F(-40C).Queue the Balloon Guy joke about it dipping down to 62 in Palm Springs.......
  11. Some headway, on CNN of all networks. Anderson seemed quite balanced here:http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heathe...mategate-debateBill Nye came off as pretty weaksauce....
  12. Record cold temperatures by the way. -37C at the airport on Sunday night. Makes me glad I have 2 Big ass supercharged SUVs in an attempt to create some global warming to offset this winter nonsense. Sadly, I am failing. Doh, just after I made some world peace headway with my Middle East and Chinese neighbors this past weekend by snowblowing the foot of snow off of their driveways, and receiving a plate of Lebanese sweets, pizza, and 4 cans of cold beer for my efforts, I get outed. Now I know how Tiger feels.
  13. Been a bit of an obsession for a while now. Quite frankly, it has been terrifying to see how quickly many of the governments of the world jumped on board in recent years, eager to spend trillions of dollars, to combat something that had so little documented truth. We would have new cancer drugs, and a cure for just about everything, if the level of scientific rigor acceptable for climate models was considered acceptable for the treatment of deadly diseases. I mean, we would laugh a research group out of the room if they came back to us and said, hey look, we injected some lab rats with can
  14. This fellow from cbs did much better. Lots of great links in this article including members of the American Physicists looking to get a petition removing their endorsement of global warming as a man made phenomena.http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/12/07/ta...ry5925940.shtml
  15. One piece of good news from this though. Apparently Phil Jones is quite distraught and perhaps even physically ill over all of this. Maybe scared of jail?
  16. As expected, when the "mainstream" media did jump on board, it was to apply some whitewash. The Campbell Brown special tonight "Truth or Trick" was setup to appear balanced, but low and behold, Oppenheim from Princeton was invited to the studio while MacIntire and the Lawyer dude skeptic were satellited in. Guess who got the most airtime. And Campbell was so slanted she is going to need an orthotic in one shoe to fix her stance.Definitely not award winning tv tonight.And yes, LOL at the Limos and Jets. Bigger CO2 footprint in two weeks than Denmark has in a year. Nice.
  17. A very good discussion here of what the "trick" actually is and how it was applied.http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/12/und...egates_hid.htmlI cannot get enough of this stuff. Santa sure came early this year. And that Al Gore cancelled his Copenhagen speaking engagement on top of all this. Clammed up quicker than Tiger Bunny #2 with a payout in hand.
  18. QFTHappy as well to see some of the mainstream media coming around a small bit in the reporting of this issue. God bless CBC's Rex Murphy.
  19. Wow, that is the first time in 2 years of off and on again debate with you that I sense you may be willling to consider that the science is not settled. Maybe I am reading too much into that statement, but if I am not, good for you. The science community could use a mind as sharp as yours to help settle the science.
  20. Wow. If this ain't Tiger, the guy sure does one helluva good voice impression:http://www.usmagazine.com/celebritynews/ne...ing-you-2009212
  21. It's all here, knock yourself out.http://www.infowars.com/climategate-for-dummies/In addition, I see that Penn State is now investigating Michael Mann for deleting a series of e-mails exchanged between he and Phil Jones and others. The e-mails basically read "please delete these e-mails". And others basically say "I will contact xxx immediately". See the following link:http://www.examiner.com/x-28973-Essex-Coun...igation-of-MannKind of tough to take "please delete these e-mails" and "I will contact xxx immediately" out of context. But let's watch and see what the investigation turns up.
  22. Well I would suggest the only people that have been careless are those folks cooking the data and cooking the models to get their way. Oh and the politiicians who believe this guff.You are a man of science - what would happen in your field if this type of shenanigans was taking place? If someone can forth with some research that said playing poker causes brain damage and therefore it must be banned immediately. Would you quit playing poker immediately or might you look into it a bit, given your background?And does it not piss you off maybe just a little that maybe your area of research may b
  23. As soon as I heard the time and location of the accident, I told my pals he was getting away from his wife after a fight. Now we know why. Was she chasing him with an iron? Dirty Girls cause so much trouble for happily married blue balled husbands....
  24. This is a great primer in climate model "calibration" for dummies:http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/11/25/clim...cline-codified/
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