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Everything posted by brvheart

  1. ....and right on schedule with Cuomo, everyone else is starting to fall in line: https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-coronavirus-chicago-lightfoot-wants-restaurants-open-pritzker-20210114-mh6chxizsfgnbkwkypf6iyk6mi-story.html
  2. Ronny, I think I'm going to need another pick of that sweet car of yours. It's been too long. Let's get some updated dog photos in here too, Naps and Mex.
  3. WTH! Is your grandma a jerk or something? Why don't you care if she dies?
  4. I think I would personally be super encouraged if I thought climate change was a man-made issue that we could have an impact on. Things are massively moving toward renewables. (Electric cars, wind power, solar, etc.) There are a huge percentage of houses in my neighborhood that have solar panels (and I live in Wisconsin!!). The cost/benefit of solar this far north for so many people would have been science-fiction as recently as 10 years ago. The stupidest thing that the climate change movement has done is rejected nuclear. If they would have embraced nuclear 30 years ago our carbon fo
  5. How is your grandma doing, Napa? Can we start seriously considering the fact that Suited has probably died of Covid?
  6. More good virus news: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19802-w Out of 10 million participants, there were only 300 asymptotic cases and none passed the virus on to anyone else. Basically meaning that if you aren’t sick, there is 0% worry that you are passing it to anyone else. For this to be accurate we have to trust scientists and studies coming out of China, which is certainly not a given. I’m hopeful that sometime around the, let’s say, 21st of next month, lockdowns (that haven’t worked anywhere) can stop and we can get back to normal. I’m hopeful they d
  7. Merry Christmas all. Where has SA been?
  8. Both are basically done with it and all healed up. We are going over there on Thursday. Thanks for asking!
  9. Thanks Naps. So far so good. Dad has had it more than 10 days and his symptoms have been minimal. No coughing, O2 levels good. My mom went to the hospital and got the current drug treatment (maybe Remdesivir?). She was back home the same day. She has been nauseous and really tired, but seems to be pulling through ok. She's had it almost 10 days.
  10. Thank goodness Trump is out of office now. "Scientists" can start telling the truth again. https://www.ama-assn.org/system/files/2020-10/nov20-handbook-addendum.pdf Top of Page 18: "RESOLVED, That our American Medical Association rescind its statement calling for physicians 5 to stop prescribing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine until sufficient evidence becomes 6 available to conclusively illustrate that the harm associated with use outweighs benefit early in 7 the disease course. Implying that such treatment is inappropriate contradicts AMA Policy 8 H-120.988, “Patient Access to T
  11. I'm sure I won't get the vaccine right away. If it's required for international travel I will, but if it's not, then I won't get it. I love vaccines, but this particular disease isn't worth hassling with for me; much like I never get flu shots, but have always gotten a Tetanus shot. Of the 2.7 million Americans that have died this year, only 260 thousand have been involving COVID, with like 92% of those being over 70 years old. Those don't feel like odds I need to be overly concerned about.
  12. It don't care how much it costs, you are going to need to throw out those casters when you get it and get these: https://smile.amazon.com/STEALTHO-Replacement-Office-Caster-Wheels/dp/B07KSF11X6/ref=sr_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=rollerblade+wheels+for+office+chair&qid=1607479106&sa-no-redirect=1&sr=8-9 Best thing I've ever purchased. I've talked about 20 people at work into replacing their wheels. Everyone loves them. The brand doesn't even matter. Rollerblade wheels are where it's at.
  13. I'm surprised we have so many racing fans here. This place is a really small sample size and like 30% are major major fans of something I know almost nothing about. My son who moved to Iowa to attend Iowa State now has a serious girlfriend. This is the first time as a family we will be meeting with an SO of one of our kids. It's weird that they are getting so old. They are coming out to Chicago for a visit on Thursday - Sunday. I'm looking forward to meeting her, but... it's weird. If I had to guess I would say they will be married within 2 years, and I would take the under
  14. That's awesome Strat! I hope you get it.
  15. Sorry to hear about you losing your butterfly sponsors.
  16. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817?fbclid=IwAR3Uh1G2S6GWSv491K6al80SZSzkQ7GZYWcRCoeds5utVahqkfzdhiiEJmY "Although the difference observed was not statistically significant, the 95% CIs are compatible with a 46% reduction to a 23% increase in infection."
  17. I think it's also super weird that you were in on that comment 6 mins after MissIdaho posted it. That's actually amazing.
  18. Super agree with most everything Strat posted.
  19. It was probably all those superspreader non-socially distanced Biden celebrations I've been reading about all over the news. I'm sure they will continue to unfairly blame Biden for this for several weeks. Damn media. Also, good for you on getting healthy.
  20. It is quiet, Colby. What's going on with you? Anything new and exciting?
  21. That's the last thing you should worry about. If you lost your job you would be covered by medicaid, like all people with low incomes.
  22. It is. How did it get super evil so quickly? In 2006 or 2007 I bought an insurance policy that covered my wife and kids for $90/month and had a total yearly out of pocket deductible of $2500, which I remember thinking was really high. I would kill one of my kids to have that policy now.
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