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Everything posted by brvheart

  1. I'm glad things are going well. Does she have a sister in the Minneapolis area?
  2. Anyone that chooses to wear any political gear like a maga hat or a Bernie shirt would be really hard for me to be with. I prefer my politics to be in self-controlled discussion form instead of inciteful(sp?).
  3. what the crap? You can't delete important stuff like this.
  4. Are you for real? Do you have a source on that?
  5. Unresearched counter-point: Because of COVID they had everyone vote in a huge single location (the state fair grounds) that they could better control that was in a central part of town and had plenty of public transportation going to it in order to provide a safe and easy place for the most people to vote (in a primary, which always has tiny voting numbers compared to an actual election), and had absolutely nothing to do with racism or disenfranchisement.
  6. I generally support removal of anything public-owned that celebrates oppression to anyone (as long as it doesn't restrict the 1st amendment rights of an individual). However, as a strong 10th amendment proponent, I am 100% in the camp that the locals (city/state) should vote on it and it should never be carried out by a mob or by decree of the federal government (unless that decree is because someone's 1st amendment rights are being violated by the local government).
  7. The media was all about the death rate, even having a running death count on CNN for weeks. Now that it's obvious that the death rate is so small, it's all about the number of cases. Which was always going to skyrocket once testing caught up. This information is nothing but good news for everyone. But you definitely won't hear that on the news, since fear is what gets eyeballs.
  8. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ Good news for all of us:
  9. Oh, it's solidly in the wacko conspiracy theory camp. Agreed.
  10. That extra zero wasn't intentional. I'm thankful I provided a source. Today: "Nearly 25 million Americans may have contracted the coronavirus, a figure 10 times higher than the number of confirmed cases, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Thursday." So it's even less deadly now. (By a factor of 10) EDIT: New Penn State study (June 22nd) says spread was up to 80 times higher than reported which lowers the death rate even more: https://news.psu.edu/story/623797/2020/06/22/research/initial-covid-19-infection-rate-may-be-80-times-g
  11. https://www.texastribune.org/2020/06/23/texas-coronavirus-hospitalizations-icu-houston/ “To be clear, in Houston, the percentage of beds occupied by COVID patients is currently 12.9%. In Austin, the percentage of beds occupied by COVID patients is 10.2%,” I'm a mask wearer for other people's sake. But this whole thing feels way blown out of proportion, and maybe even deceptively pushed by the media. For instance you can google any 3 digit number (and a crap-ton of 4 digit numbers) + [new cases] and there is an entire page of articles about new coronavirus cases. That
  12. Your wife is totally awesome, Mexico.
  13. Girls have so much power it's crazy. That's awesome.
  14. That just means that you need to stay thin but bulk up. Hit the weights.
  15. Trump not changing the names of military bases is not the same as waving a confederate flag. I mean, you can blame Trump if that helps, but those bases were around for 8 years of Obama and I never heard you mention it one time in those years.
  16. Zero people disagree with this. (Except maybe the "he wasn't resisting" part since you didn't provide context, but I'm assuming you meant once he was in cuffs) His death is a completely different issue from how he lived his life, and if how he lived should be glorified. Here are two truths that are completely separate issues: - Had George Floyd not committed a crime that day, and had not initially resisted arrest; George Floyd would be alive today. - Had the cops treated handcuffed people with the same respect they would give to an animal; George Floyd would be
  17. I wouldn't call that "far more". There are a ton of people that don't want to lift life-long criminal George Floyd up as a heroic martyr, while still believing that the police should be held responsible for his death. I'm sure you've seen Candace Owens' video on that exact topic. That being said, I know nothing about that dude or Crossfit, so he very well may be a massive racist.
  18. This is super solid, timeless, and wise advice.
  19. Anyone have any thoughts on CrossFit imploding as a company because the CEO tweeted “Floyd-19” when someone said the riots were a public health crisis? I mean, there’s not really even a racial tone to that stupid joke. It’s just making light of a serious topic and a major corporation is now likely dead. Interesting times lie ahead for everyone. It might be especially interesting for comedians (or would-be comedians).
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