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Everything posted by NickTheKid

  1. NickTheKid


    But on the flip side... that if it isnt EXACTLY the same, that means my parents probably never met, my hair would be red, I would weigh 500 pounds, I would be eating some flap jacks in some New York pancake house. AKA - smash. haha kidding.
  2. NickTheKid


    This is one of my favourite topics to discuss... because it IS so cool. And so freaky at the same time? Am I a caveman?
  3. NickTheKid


    Just to note, I am not religious at all, I don't believe in god or hocus pocus. But I DO think something happens after we die, spiritually. Even when we do die there is no way we would even know about it because if there is no life after death, there is no waiting around. You would cease to exist! I've heard about this parallel universe idea a few times, actually many times. My question is: Theoretically is it possible for me to be dead on the other universe? Like, I could be out right now at 12:06 ****ing a hooker and getting loaded on heroine, then when I walk out to get a bucket of ice I g
  4. I do the x= outs. 2(x)+2 . But that's only for the turn right? How do I do it for the river? Because when I watch it on TV my % are completely different from the ones on TV... is it because they have already seen other cards? Gah! Help please.
  5. I'm still new here bluff, haven't gotten to know all the idiots from the cool people. Sorry, I posted i would miss some
  6. Don't rip on people, chief. It makes you sound like a jerk.
  7. On any forum you know what a pretty good indicator of an arrogant person is? The Posts per day:XxEddieNormanHauptIcemanI disclude the following:SmashWrtoSuited Up(Or anyone else I havent mentioned up there): because at least the guys in the bottom portion have something to offer this forum. Sure you could turn it around on me, "Nick you COLLUDER! YOU ARE SCUM! I HOPE YOU DIE!". Whatever, at least I don't act like an e-thug.
  8. I want to show my fond RESPECT for Ace and he's good ability as he as just started, hope the best for you man, please start playing online and play smart, get Theory of Poker and Small Stakes by Sklansky. Hold the rest of ur roll incase you lose your online cash, and KEEP WINNING.I want to show my fond DISRESPECT for those jerks who were putting you down, that was not funny or called for. I hate e-thugs.
  9. I can, and have beaten them without cheating many times. I said I cheated a couple times and you make it out to be my whole system of play. Has anyone else told you that you are very boring to listen too? You seem to say the same things over and over again until no one cares anymore.
  10. Well, that was almost a sentence. By the way don't ever claim I cheat my friends you fool, that is an offense in itself and I would never do it.
  11. i think i'll take cheetos over horse feces.hahaha.
  12. I know, I was talking about mr. nuts...
  13. Okay I shouldnt generalize, but I wouldnt ALWAYS throw it away, thats just retarded.
  14. Smash this isn't some dick measuring contest, to put it frankly. You both do well at the poker table, but the point is if you fold Suited ace late position with no raise, like next to the Small or Big Blind, you shouldn't be playing.
  15. He apparantly bags 60 bucks an hour at 20/40. That's still very good, better than what I could do sure. Smash define "part time" please :wink:
  16. Well, you can't say regardless of position. What if it gets checked to you and you are next to big blind? See a cheap flop with a suited ace. Fold when there is no action, if you hit something on the flop you could get pretty good equity in there.
  17. 3's if you don't care why are you bringing it up? In home games I always show class, as a matter of fact I show class every where I go. Just because you are 13 doesn't mean you should act it.
  18. At the end when Teddy says***Teddy: That ace could not have helped you...Mike: MAAAAATT DAAAAAAAMON!
  19. I remember a little while back the poster with the avatar of the boobs saying something about women at the poker table. Who would disagree that poker table flirting is fun? I'm not at risk of going on tilt or anything, so it's harmless. I guess you could say that it really makes the game more lax when things get a little intense. I'm a pretty peaceful guy, in fact I never got really mad at any bullsh!t I ever got in my life, but the one thing I can't stand. The one thing that just boils me, is when morons who can't play critique my game and tell me how I should play, I just fume. I talk back
  20. Do you have any respect for me wrto? ;D
  21. I love getting Diamonds suited cards.
  22. Begging for money? Methinks you should quit.
  23. I was playing another tourney, didn't do too well today, lost 10 bucks.. I usually win every day but anyway, I'm a tight/agressive player, and when the table has like 8 people on it, I tend not to call a lot of blinds when I got shit like :diamonds5: :clubsk: or :hearts5: :hearts9: . I'd been folding for about 10-15 minutes and a guy goes "You can't win if you don't play." What the **** is this? What do you want me to do dummy, be like everyone else at the table and gamble there money away? Gr... I don't know.
  24. A-10 has always been my friend, I always raise with it and win a lot of the time with it.
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