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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t600 (5 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)UTG (t2505)MP (t7545)Button (t4165)SB (t4430)Hero (t14230)Preflop: Hero is BB with T :club: , Q :D . 3 folds, SB raises to t2400, Hero ?Down to 10. Top 7 pay. I have a LAG image and am CL. I think I raised 3 of the past 7 hands pf, and went all in twice on the flop (never called). Is this an auto all in? stop n go (yeah i know he only has 2k behind him)? Fold? Villain seems moderately tight to this point, but no real reads (villains only been at the table for ~1.5 orbits).

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It's close but I think that I fold. I would read the 3xBB raise instead of a push as a sign of strength as he wants action. Also, your image is LAG so he has to know that you're likely to contest the hand so we can't assume that he's willing to raise with ATC.If you win the hand, your gain some chips and remain CL but if you lose, you drop back close to the pack (it seems to me that the loss of chips is worth more than the potential gain in chips). I'd rather keep the big chip stack at this point.

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If you win the hand, your gain some chips and remain CL but if you lose, you drop back close to the pack (it seems to me that the loss of chips is worth more than the potential gain in chips). I'd rather keep the big chip stack at this point.
Fold here, the risk>reward imo
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