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Kk, A On Board, .5/1 Absolute

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Pancake is dealt K :club: K :D in the BB1 fold, MP calls, CO raises, 1 fold, SB calls, Pancake 3-bets, MP calls, CO calls, SB callsFlop: A :D T :D 8 :D SB checks, Pancake bets, MP calls, CO raises, SB calls, Pancake...Here is my dilemma. I'm behind here close to a hundred percent of the time. So am I getting proper odds to make a call with a 2-outer?

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It's close.We're getting 18-1 immediate, and certainly MP will call again, so really 19-1.It's good if we win every time we hit, and gain 2 BBs after, which we will.But, what really worries me here is that QJ is a definite possibility for one of the two limpers/callers, as they have a double gutter now, and we certainly are gonna be faced with some ROI if we hit the King and they make their straight, albeit we have 10 outs to beat it if we do hit it...Tough to say. I'd be more likely to call though, despite what I said.

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unless villain is a tight straightforward abc player, I'd call down believing that its more like 50/50QJ can raise hereKQ can raise here butt hat's sillyAP players are known to raise pp in position here in order to see a free river (.5bb cheaper this way)and of course Ax raises as well as set.

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Well, RIO only comes into play when they have QJ, or the guy has AA, really.We're getting 19-1, really, on the flop, so we only need to make up 3.5 SB, which is less than 2 full BB, which is insanely easy vs 3 opponents.I'd probably lean towards calling.

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unless villain is a tight straightforward abc player, I'd call down believing that its more like 50/50QJ can raise hereKQ can raise here butt hat's sillyAP players are known to raise pp in position here in order to see a free river (.5bb cheaper this way)and of course Ax raises as well as set.
But we still have to worry bout the caller and CC.
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