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two gambling related drinking games

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So because me and blaze and shark are the only cool people in the forum, we're playing 1/2 limit together, and we got to talking about drinking games.I was trying to explain this but it over the chatbox it got messy. Blaze suggested I just post it, which is exactly what I'm going to do. I've got two drinking games, and they're both awesome. Canadian Bacon, and Threes.Threes is the first game, and it's easier to learn. It requires only 5 dice, and any number of players. You randomly select one person to start, the initial shooter, who chooses one person to challenge. The initial shooter rolls all 5 dice. The game is like lowball, in that you're trying to make the lowest score possible. The catch, though, is that a 3 on each single die is worth a score of 0, while all others are face value. The rule is you must "keep" (score) at least one die per roll, but you CAN score as many as you want. For example, say you shoot a 1, 2, 3, 3, and 6. You could stay pat on a 9 (6+2+1+0+0), but you'd probably just keep the two 3's because they're worth zero, and roll the other 3 again. So you keep the two 3's and have a score of 0 with three more dice to roll, so roll again. If you roll again, say you roll a 2, 4, and 6. That's a bad roll, so you'd only keep the 2, giving you a score of 2 with 2 more dice to roll.Once all 5 dice are rolled then the shooter has a point total of a certain number. The person the shooter challenged has to get a score below that. Whatever the difference is, the loser makes up in seconds of drinking. The winner then gets to choose who to challenge next.What's fun about this game is how quickly things can go badly. If in the above example, you roll a 1, 2, 3, 3, and 6. You keep the 3's and roll a 3, 5, and 4, so you now have three 3's. The problem is now you have to roll two dice and keep one no matter what. So if you now roll a 5 and a 6 you went from a 0 to a 5, with one more dice to roll.The only other rules are as follows: If the two people tie, then it's a push and re-ante. That means the shooter establishes a new point and the challenged has to beat it, but this time for double the stakes (double the seconds of chugging). Also, if one person rolls a 1, the eventual difference is doubled, and if one person rolls a 0, the difference is tripled. There is no rule to how often someone could be challenged, just that the winner gets to pick the next person to challenge.The next game is called Canadian Bacon and it's a blackjack variant. It works theoretically with any number of players, but I think about 4 or 5 is perfect. You count out chips for a pre-set amount you plan on drinking. I prefer counting out 40 whites where each unit is one second of drinking. Then, you high card for a dealer. The dealer then has to "post" his entire stack into the middle, for a "pot" of drinking time. The dealer then deals each player and then himself one hole card face down, which each player can check. Play proceeds to the left. The player to the dealer's left checks his hole card, and then makes a bet. The bet is pot limit, so he cannot exceed the dealer's post, which for example we've said is 40 seconds of drinking. After the player makes a bet, the dealer deals the player a card face up and himself a card face up, and the play proceeds like blackjack.Here are the weird rules: dealer wins ties, and if BOTH player and dealer bust, it's a push. If the player busts, he should NOT make any indication that he's busted yet. After he stays, the dealer then plays to make the closest hand to 21 without going over. Closest non-bust hand to 21 obviously wins.Here's where the wrinkles in strategy come into play. Since it's a push if both players bust, the player should do his best to convince the dealer that he has NOT busted (if he has), in an attempt to get the dealer to bust. Furthermore, the dealer has one built-in advantage in that he wins ties. So if the player pots it and gets a 10 showing and the dealer makes a 20, he should stay on the chance that they're pushing on 20 (therefore making the dealer win). The loser has to drink the amount of seconds wagered. If the dealer wins, then the bet that the player made goes into the pot. If the player wins, then he removes an equal amount from the pot while the dealer drinks the difference. The last rule is that the dealer must let his whole stack ride for at least 2 rounds. The cards used per round are mucked, not re-shuffled into the deck, for any player sober enough to count cards. The deck is reshuffled only when the current deck runs out (giving the player last to act something of an advantage if he knows how to count cards).Some people mistakenly believe the mathematical edge lies with the dealer, because of the winning ties rule. The real mathematical edge lies with the player though, because he can bet all or 1 second knowing his first down card (i.e. pot it for a 50 second chug on an Ace in a +10 count deck... heh heh heh). Or, if you're feeling REALLY froggy (or drunk) pot it on a deuce knowing the count is +6 and the dealer will likely get a stiff hand. When that K comes off face up giving you 10 showing but a concealed 12, and he squirms with his 16 because you potted it and have a 10 showing. He hits his 16 and busts and you triumphantly turn up a 12 while he has to chug your pot bet. You have to play it a few times drunk to understand it's greatness.ALSO... when people get drunk they forget this. As the dealer, each time after you play an opponent you have to give yourself a new down card to play the next opponent. After two rounds, deal proceeds to the left. The old dealer pulls back whatever is in the pot as his own personal stack now (sometimes several times more than what he started with). The person to the left of the old dealer then has to post his whole stack for two rounds and play proceeds.Hope everyone enjoys! If you have any questions about either I'd be happy to help.

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i'll read your post later but drinking games that I'll explain(if you don't know them) are:Drinking Mariokart 64Tippy CupBeer PongBull$hit6547-11 or doublesWaterfallCategories.**** your neighborCross the bridgeHorse raceCase race(self explanitory)that's all I can think of right now, but I'll add more to the list as I remember them

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There's a TON of drinking games I could post... I just wanted to post the ones that were semi-gambling related.
654 uses dice, as does 7-11 or doubles, and I am trying to remember more gambling related drinking games right now but my mind is being stupid not telling them
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i'll read your post later but drinking games that I'll explain(if you don't know them) are:Drinking Mariokart 64Tippy CupBeer PongBull$hit6547-11 or doublesWaterfallCategories.censored your neighborCross the bridgeHorse raceCase race(self explanitory)that's all I can think of right now, but I'll add more to the list as I remember them
I'm a fan of:-A$$hole-Hockey-F your friends AKA 'tards on cards (I think this may be the same as your ??? your friends)
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i'll read your post later but drinking games that I'll explain(if you don't know them) are:Drinking Mariokart 64Tippy CupBeer PongBull$hit6547-11 or doublesWaterfallCategories.censored your neighborCross the bridgeHorse raceCase race(self explanitory)that's all I can think of right now, but I'll add more to the list as I remember them
I'm a fan of:-A$$hole-Hockey-F your friends AKA 'tards on cards (I think this may be the same as your ??? your friends)
damnit A$$hole and hockey were two of the games i was trying to think of, and does the F your friends game start with each person having 3 beers?
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damnit A$$hole and hockey were two of the games i was trying to think of, and does the F your friends game start with each person having 3 beers?
In hockey, do you have teams and match the card that the player threw before you?? But, Js and 8s are saves so you can't score on them??'F your friends' must not be the same. I've heard my 'tards on cards' called that before. -In mine, a suit is called. -The cards are flipped face up, one for each player, CC around the table. If you get a card with the called suit, then you drive that number. J-11, Q-12, K-13, A-14. -Starting to the left of the drinker, they count around the table, up to your number, taking as long as they want. If they screw up and count out of turn, they become the drinker. -Once his number is counted out, the drinker muct call a suit before he sets his beer down. If he sets it down first, he's the drinker again for that number. -If he finishes his beer before his number is fully counted, he can slam it to the table and whoever was next to say a number becomes the drinker.-The best part of the game, you can not say a number, unless you are counting for the drinker. In casual conversation, if you say a #, you become the drinker. It's tuff to not say numbers when talking, especially when drunk.Long explanation, but a great game to F your friends and become 'tards playing cards.
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damnit A$$hole and hockey were two of the games i was trying to think of, and does the F your friends game start with each person having 3 beers?
In hockey, do you have teams and match the card that the player threw before you?? But, Js and 8s are saves so you can't score on them??'F your friends' must not be the same. I've heard my 'tards on cards' called that before. -In mine, a suit is called. -The cards are flipped face up, one for each player, CC around the table. If you get a card with the called suit, then you drive that number. J-11, Q-12, K-13, A-14. -Starting to the left of the drinker, they count around the table, up to your number, taking as long as they want. If they screw up and count out of turn, they become the drinker. -Once his number is counted out, the drinker muct call a suit before he sets his beer down. If he sets it down first, he's the drinker again for that number. -If he finishes his beer before his number is fully counted, he can slam it to the table and whoever was next to say a number becomes the drinker.-The best part of the game, you can not say a number, unless you are counting for the drinker. In casual conversation, if you say a #, you become the drinker. It's tuff to not say numbers when talking, especially when drunk.Long explanation, but a great game to F your friends and become 'tards playing cards.
yup, we play hockey the same way, the other game you explained we used to play a bunch but I can't remember the exact name of it. Also, Connections and Suicide 8's is fun.
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yup, we play hockey the same way, the other game you explained we used to play a bunch but I can't remember the exact name of it. Also, Connections and Suicide 8's is fun.
Hockey is great. Lots of times the drinking part gets thrown out the window in a close game in the 3rd. Everyone is worrying too much about winning than telling the other team to drink.That's the only thing I miss about being under 21. Sitting around and playing drinking games for hours. Now, I just go to the bar and talk to people I don't like...haha.
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yup, we play hockey the same way, the other game you explained we used to play a bunch but I can't remember the exact name of it. Also, Connections and Suicide 8's is fun.
Hockey is great. Lots of times the drinking part gets thrown out the window in a close game in the 3rd. Everyone is worrying too much about winning than telling the other team to drink.That's the only thing I miss about being under 21. Sitting around and playing drinking games for hours. Now, I just go to the bar and talk to people I don't like...haha.
yah I'm 20 and the bar I used to get into allowed us to play drinking games in there. That was all before they got all strict and started carding so I don't know if they still allow it but I will find out in a little over month though.
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