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2 Sicko Hands...

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I played a live tourney today, 20K guaranteed. I was cruising along, doing quite well, Then a very sick 20 minutes hit...Blinds were 200-400 and I had around 23K in chips. A table broke nearby and the current chip leader ends up on my left in the SB. I'm on the button and all fold to me and I find K-Q clubs. I raise to 1200.Chip leader calls and we are HU. Flop comes Ac, Jc, 10h. SB checks and I bet 3000.SB shoves. I call.He has A-K, lol, cool.Turn .... Ace.River.......ACE!Lmao @ quads. c ya.THEN...not 15 minutes later...I sit in a cash game, call in CU with 8-8.Flop comes 10-8-10. I am HU with a guy and we get in all in. He of course has pocket 10'szomg, quadtastilicious. I laughed all the way home.OK I didn't laugh...in fact I'm pretty sure I cried... :club:

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I played a live tourney today, 20K guaranteed. I was cruising along, doing quite well, Then a very sick 20 minutes hit...Blinds were 200-400 and I had around 23K in chips. A table broke nearby and the current chip leader ends up on my left in the SB. I'm on the button and all fold to me and I find K-Q clubs. I raise to 1200.Chip leader calls and we are HU. Flop comes Ac, Jc, 10h. SB checks and I bet 3000.SB shoves. I call.He has A-K, lol, cool.Turn .... Ace.River.......ACE!Lmao @ quads. c ya.THEN...not 15 minutes later...I sit in a cash game, call in CU with 8-8.Flop comes 10-8-10. I am HU with a guy and we get in all in. He of course has pocket 10'szomg, quadtastilicious. I laughed all the way home.OK I didn't laugh...in fact I'm pretty sure I screamed until I bled from the ears... :club:
FYPAt least that is what most would WANT to do.
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Live poker IS rigged:In a live tourney yesterday all pretty close to each other-I saw 2 guys get it all in preflop. Both had aces. 2nd guy hit a flush on the river. Then.Preflop AK off pushes. AA calls. AK hits boat on the river.Board of QJ8 rainbow. Player pushes. Other players goes into tank. Finally says, I think you have a mid pair and draw and makes the call with KJ. Other player turns over 9`s and says "How the hell did you make that call" then mumbled "nice call". 9 on the river. Pretty funny run of events, except I was on the losing end of the last 2 hands. :club:

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ugh Scott. That tourney hand is gross, just gross!I ran into quad Tens Friday night at CAZ. I think they are out to get us!rigged!Mark

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