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I am talking about plo8 full table. If you are unlucky you should either lose a little or break even, but when you are lucky then you should win a lot.
thank you for the reality check.
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thank you for the reality check.
actually, i'd be more inclined to believe that 8 buy-ins is fully possible.i lost 4 in the course of 200 hands one time. sometimes there are just going to be succesions of cooler after cooler and people catching 3 outers. over 2000, i think 8 would be totally within the realm of just running bad. in greg's blog O8poker.com, he had a friend who played $2000 lose about $27,000 in one session.
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I think an 8 buyin downswing is entirely possible with a bunch of bad luck and a little tilt/mistakes thrown in; but it should be very uncommon for a good player at full ring. Typically anything over 4-5 buyins means you are doing something wrong whether you realize it or not.

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i guess its one of those take a step back and take a break and then try again times.looking through my database ive been playing horribly. thank you for honest responses and not reassuring me. ------navybuttons....its is possible to lose that much in a short time i agree. yesterday i was up to like $70ish on a $25 table and two hands back to back lost all in one time as a 60/40ish favorite the other time as an 80/20. thats almost 3 buyins in two hands back to back. i also lost two buyins at a $100 table freerolling some guy with the nut low and a flush draw and he of course hit is three outer wheel draw. and of course countless other things like this. but for everytime this happened i think i just said aww **** it and tossed my stack in as a dog all pissed off. so maybe i lost at least twice as much as i had to. ide really like to hear from somebody who has played like 20,000 hands or more and what they have went through. wintermute in his blog made some remark that sounded like he dropped (was it 10 or 20) buyins in the $2000 game once. ----------------please dont take this as bitching and bad beats and dont respond to any of my stories about those things. im genuinely curious about the swings others have taken in this game (who are winners of course).

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