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Need Info About Wynn

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Ill be making my first trip to Vegas on Wed. staying thru Mon. I play in the cardrooms in Chicago but have never played outside them. Just wondering about the games at Wynn and what i should expect Thank you
can anyone help me out
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1/3nl 2/5nl 5/10nl 4/8lhe and up as demand dictates. 20/40 o8 1/2 kill and mixed games. 1/3 is loaded with rich fish and locals trying to grind it out it is very beatable. tu-fri noon ytourneys 330 tu-thu and 540 on fri is a very good tourney. the best looking beverage servers in town. my favorite place to play.

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They might have changed, but when I was there 1/2 NL was uncapped and most people sat w/ between 500-1000.Also, though I haven't been since they have started the tournies from what I have read they are very good. But I think they are $300...Sorry that is all I got for you.My last trip Caesars tourney and 1/2 NL were very nice in there new room.

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They might have changed, but when I was there 1/2 NL was uncapped and most people sat w/ between 500-1000.
I don't remember them having a 1/2NL when I was there a few months ago. They do have a 1/3NL game though.I wasn't enamored when I played there, but I will say the eye candy was spectacular late when the clubs were clearing out, as the room is right by the exit to the parking garage so everyone walks by. Mark
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