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Mike Cunningham's Book Is Ready

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LOL....The most famous non-famous poker player? Come on guy... I read your old blogs, along with a lot of people on here, where you were running horribly and wanted to kill yourself.Plus, "hot off the presses"? You don't even have a real publisher... let me know when you break 100 in sales.

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I liked the intro...but Mike, who's your editor?light·en·ing (ltn-ng)n. The sensation of decreased abdominal distention during the latter weeks of pregnancy following the descent of the fetal head into the pelvic inlet. light·ning (ltnng)n. An abrupt, discontinuous natural electric discharge in the atmosphere. The visible flash of light accompanying such a discharge. :club:

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Sometimes it feels like both!!!mcAnd I will sheepishly admit that I, of course, was/am my own editor.Damn.
I hear ya. Good luck selling copies of the book!
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