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playing 1/2 NL at foxwoods..table is your average 1/2, couple of loose guys, couple of older tight guys, nothing exceptional. I didn't have any hands, i think i had a relatively tight image, i mightve shown one winner up to that point, but i hadnt done a whole lot in the hour or two that i was there.so here's the hand...approximate stack sizes: SB: $100BB: $150me: $100+I get [ 10 :club: 6 :club: ] in the cutoff, utg called and everyone else folded. utg was raising when he had good/decent hands, regardless of position, so i thought i might be able to get him off, if not i could try to hit the flop and just get out of the way. so i raise to $12, with 10-15 being the average raise. both blinds and utg the call. flop comes [ A :club: 7 :heart: 2 :club: ]small blind bets $10, which he'd done earlier with a flush draw, and he had just called when someone else raised. BB raises to $25, utg folds.I call (more on that later).turn: [ q :club: ]So I hit the 3rd nut. Before i can get a full thought in, the small blind bets $20, BB raises to $40 or $50. ive got about $80 left in me front me. What do i do?

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playing 1/2 NL at foxwoods..table is your average 1/2, couple of loose guys, couple of older tight guys, nothing exceptional. I didn't have any hands, i think i had a relatively tight image, i mightve shown one winner up to that point, but i hadnt done a whole lot in the hour or two that i was there.so here's the hand...approximate  stack sizes:  SB: $100BB: $150me: $100+I get [ 10 :club: 6 :club: ] in the cutoff, utg called and everyone else folded. utg was raising when he had good/decent hands, regardless of position, so i thought i might be able to get him off, if not i could try to hit the flop and just get out of the way.  so i raise to $12, with 10-15 being the average raise. both blinds and utg the call.  flop comes [ A :club: 7 :heart:  2 :club: ]small blind bets $10, which he'd done earlier with a flush draw, and he had just called when someone else raised. BB raises to $25, utg folds.I call (more on that later).turn: [ q :club: ]So I hit the 3rd nut.  Before i can get a full thought in, the small blind bets $20, BB raises to $40 or $50. ive got about $80 left in me front me. What do i do?
well, the only reason you called was to hit your flush, so ...
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sorry, I wasn't trying to be short. you did call only to hit your flush, but now you're obviously wondering what the hell the two blinds have. I'm not worried about the SB here, and I wonder if the BB is making a play or if he really has it. If you push, it's most likely that the sb is folding. do you have any reads on the bb at all? I'm leaning toward the push.

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Any reads on why the SB continues his donk sized bet into a raiser? Any reads on the BB?I think readless, we push here. We are getting pretty awesome money odds. There are a lot of holdings that the SB or BB hold here that we could stomp. AK with the K :club:, or any set may make this play. I could see top two making this play. Let's remember the BB raised the flop, into a pre-flop raiser. That is an unlikely move for someone on a draw. If anyone flushed out besides us, my money is on the SB, but I still feel this is a "good enough" situation for us to get our money in.I am guessing we lost the hand, but given the way we played the hand going into the turn, we ought to be pushing here.

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You push, SB folds, BB calls.SB seems like a donk, but you could be having trips vs. 2 pair, top two pair vs. top pair, etc.It seems BB is trying to shake this annoying SB and is probably forgetting about you in some sense. Your all-in should wake him up =)

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