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full tilt 200+16 winner's choice

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Yep, I'm in.Donked off 700 on a bluff though...SN is TeholGL anyone else who might be in.

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I'm now under 1k...Kappa: It's a tournament where the winner (or one for every 12k in the prize pool) wins a seat in a WPT/WSOP Tournament of his choice.

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So you read my other post Chuck, you sly, sly dog you. And yes I need to get it fixed, I am sick of only playing on weekends on my Dads Fiance's computer. Oh well I am at school now, so this works for the forum.JEFF

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I was in this tourney, too... for about 20 minutes. Lost a brutal hand with trip aces against trip aces with a higher kicker. (AK, to be exact. Dude was in the BB and merely checked his option rather than put in for a raise. I was fairly shocked to lose that hand, or at least get a split pot out of it.) The rest was lost in the usual missed flops and called bluffs. Last hand down to 800 in SB with AQ. Button raises 150. I push. Button has aces. Out in 103rd. Humbling stuff. If only winning the thing were as easy as qualifying for it. Best of luck to the remaining FCP-ers, though I see both ChuckSty and TreMomey are below par and on the respirator, respectively.

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I'm out aswellWent in with KQo and ofcourse the BB found AK..A fitting end to a truly horrible day for me.There is always a next day.GL to the remaining FCPers!

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