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sh lhe i donked this up didnt i?

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at work, so no HH. ill recreate as accurately as possible. 3-6 6max on party. Im UTG+1 with AA. UTG bets 3, justblaze raises 6, folded to bb who calls 6, UTG calls 3. UTG is a little to aggro, but decent. BB has been fairly quiet, no obvious donkeyness. flop is 34K rainbow. BB checks, UTG bets 3, justblaze raises 6, BB raises 9, UTG calls 6, justblaze caps, call, call. turn is rainbow K. check, check, justblaze bets 6, BB raises 12, UTG folds, justblaze...?

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The pot is so huge I think you need to call him down... You are likely going to be needing an Ace, or maybe another King will counterfeit his boat (in the event that's what he has). I really hate the call, because you are likely way behind, but I think the pot size has decided this one. Maybe you get lucky and he checks to you on the river (trying a third checkraise)... in that case I might just check behind (U/I).On the flop he may be excited about having a little two pair, TPTK, maybe a set... or he is wildly overplaying an OESD. On the turn, after BB has checkraised you twice I would put him on at leastA-K, or maybe a boat. Your flop cap didn't slow him down one bit...I dunno, if you had said BB was a maniac, it would be much easier. This isn't an easy call, (I haven't calculated the exact pot odds, but I'm guessing that even a 4 outer w/ implied odds makes it not a horrible call). I think pot size is dictating the play. Just my .02

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i took my whole timer and mucked it. i think i should have called. i was a little tilting because id had aces twice already on this table which had gone down in flames on the river. i hate poker. shouldve called.

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