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ub heads-up always this easy?

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So a massive downswing at 3-6 on party has me throwing mouses, smashing keyboards, and playing all kinds of random games. I decided to deposit into my UB account on a whim last night, and after an hour of trying to figure out pineapple 8/b, i ended up at the 25c 50c heads up NL tables. What a joke. These people couldnt tell their left shoe from their right, nevermind a good no limit strat. Did i get lucky and play the three dumbest guys ever, or is it always horrid?

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NL heads up at party is pretty much the same thing isnt it? Although yesterday, I flopped bottom two and check raised a guy 15, who called with king high. He turned the flush draw, so I put him all in for 40 more and he called that instantly, and then rivered another spade to complete his runner draw. He then immediately left. I got outplayed.

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Guest Anonymous
So a massive downswing at 3-6 on party has me throwing mouses, smashing keyboards, and playing all kinds of random games. I decided to deposit into my UB account on a whim last night, and after an hour of trying to figure out pineapple 8/b, i ended up at the 25c 50c heads up NL tables. What a joke. These people couldnt tell their left shoe from their right, nevermind a good no limit strat. Did i get lucky and play the three dumbest guys ever, or is it always horrid?
Edited to remove an unexplainable duplicate post.
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Guest Anonymous
So a massive downswing at 3-6 on party has me throwing mouses, smashing keyboards, and playing all kinds of random games. I decided to deposit into my UB account on a whim last night, and after an hour of trying to figure out pineapple 8/b, i ended up at the 25c 50c heads up NL tables. What a joke. These people couldnt tell their left shoe from their right, nevermind a good no limit strat. Did i get lucky and play the three dumbest guys ever, or is it always horrid?
There are a lot of really bad heads up players on UB. Try the $10 and $20 SnG heads up tables too, people play even worse. Most of the opponents I find are people who left frustrated from larger SnGs or MTTs that want to see some more action and get some confidence back, with no idea of how to adjust to just a single opponent. That being said, there are a few who do in fact know what they are doing lurking around, but they are in the minority. I find its a good way to relax and make some easy money although it can be really frustrating when going through a long stretch of bad cards. So I'll usually go back to larger tables to see more hands without having to play most of them.
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