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Good/Bad Comments, Sayings, and Cliches you've heard at the Poker Table.

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After throwing a horseshoe and hearing that he played better than me:

I know.

Just hacking on you, that's all.

The other guy probably wasn't a Young Guns fan, he just said Cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a quote (paraphrasing) from old time gambler/poker player, Puggy Pearson:

"You can beat up on a player and pound on him, and pound, and pound some more and he'll keep coming back if he thinks the game is honest, but if you cheat him out of a quarter he'll never play with you again."

On a similar note, Amarillo Slim said:

"You can shear a sheep many times but you can skin it only once."

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On 6/26/2021 at 7:08 PM, Vegas Knights said:

"I've got the Nuts."

Probably the worse phrase you will hear your opponent say at the poker table.  Most of you know it means that they have the best possible hand.  I've heard several players say the phrase a second or two before they show their hand at showdown.  I don't know why they choose to say it.  Maybe, if they are a player who bluffs a lot,  it's to reinforce the idea in their opponents mind that yes sometimes even they wake up with a great hand.

I've said a few times, before I raise with K-K, "you better have A-A". Somebody always calls, then you lose or win. Still kind of a bad thing to say, I guess. I'm a bad loser, so if someone hits the ace at 1/3 probability, at least I got to say a decent quote.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The following comment was made by Mike "The Mouth" Matusow to another player at the 2004 World Series of Poker Main Event:

"I've got big Cahonees.  You've got tiny Cahonees."




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  • 1 month later...
On 3/18/2022 at 2:07 PM, Vegas Knights said:

Trivia question:

This comment/challenge wasn't made at the poker table but I've seen it in print.  Both people involved are well known.  One player challenged the other person to play a poker match for a considerable amount of money.  Who was the famous person who challenged the other famous person to a heads up poker match and wrote this:

"We both talk a good game, it's time now that we put up or shut up.  I am throwing you the challenge. Are you man enough to meet it?"

And for the record I'm not talking about the Doug Polk challenge or the Daniel challenge of Hellmuth.  I'm referring to another person who put out a challenge to a famous person and also wrote the above  bolded quote.



Only 9 more days before it is revealed what famous person challenged another famous person to a big money poker match and wrote these words:

"We both talk a good game, it's time now that we put up or shut up.  I am throwing you the challenge. Are you man enough to meet it?"


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On 6/24/2022 at 10:55 PM, Vegas Knights said:

Only 9 more days before it is revealed what famous person challenged another famous person to a big money poker match and wrote these words:

"We both talk a good game, it's time now that we put up or shut up.  I am throwing you the challenge. Are you man enough to meet it?"


Well, I got some time so here's that info.

Recently I was doing some spring cleaning when I came across a magazine page I had torn out of an old poker magazine over 20 years ago.  The magazine probably was Card Player but I can’t tell for sure.  The page includes a full page advertisement taken out by Larry Flynt, owner of Hustler Magazine and Hustler Casino.  The page includes a photo of Flynt and a separate picture of Donald Trump holding 2 playing cards.  Trump used to use that picture in his advetisements of his card tournaments.  Remember this was 2001, when Trump was known as a cocky multi-millionaire businessman and not a politician.  Even the Apprentice TV show hadn’t started  yet. 

The ad also includes a copy of a letter that Flynt sent Trump challenging him to a million dollar poker match.  Below is how the letter appeared in the ad:


Oct 25, 2001

Mr. Donald Trump
Trump Towers
New York, NY 10022

Dear Donald,

For the past several years, I have watched with interest your advertisements featuring your picture holding two cards, promoting card tournaments and card activity at your Atlantic City properties.

As we are major casino owners and with your reputed skills as featured with your ads in Card Player, Poker Digest and other magazines, I think it is a wonderful opportunity for us to create a head-to-head owner’s Poker Championship.

I propose that we each put up $1 million and play a head-up freeze-out until one person has all the chips.  This will settle once and for all who is the best player, in East vs. West contest... Trump vs. Flynt.  

The winner will donate half his winnings $500,000, to the Relief/Fund Red Cross in New York City to the benefit of the victims of the September 11th tragedy.

The game will be 7-card stud.

The game stakes can be limit or no-limit, your choice.

...We both talk a good game - it’s time now that we put up or shut up.  I am throwing you the challenge.  Are you man enough to meet it?  


Larry Flynt
I doubt Trump ever accepted the challenge because I can’t find anything about it on the web.   I know Trump didn’t accept a challenge by the late Bob Stupak (aka The Polish Maverick) to play a game of Trump’s own board game (that was selling at the time) for a million dollars.

Anyway, I thought some people might be interested in this million dollar poker challenge.   Maybe we can have more challenges like this, and the recent Polk, Negreanu, Hellmuth challenges.                                                                                                                                                                                                  ’

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  • 1 year later...

Jimmy the Greek,TV announcer from the 70's, once gave his opinion of what it takes to be a good poker player.  He stated:

"If you ain't a tiger, forget it."

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