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going to give away 3 stakes for a 4.40stars name and city and 50/50 nsb of course. I will post the tournament number after all the stakes are given away.with school just around the corner I would like you to post pics of school girls. enjoy

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i'm in playing mode tonight and will gladly accept one if you have nobody else in mind.rivergirl (windsor)i haven't had a stake in forever, hopefully i can run good for you

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PokerStars Game #31719219707: Tournament #187828521, $4.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2009/08/16 23:43:33 ETTable '187828521 19' 9-max Seat #4 is the buttonSeat 1: runway69 (2375 in chips) Seat 2: johnymac111 (1310 in chips) Seat 3: SlayerLegend (2285 in chips) Seat 4: dj232 (2200 in chips) Seat 5: rivergirl (1160 in chips) Seat 6: xtwist3dx (1610 in chips) Seat 7: Martin_26111 (3040 in chips) Seat 8: Drugo 24 (2590 in chips) Seat 9: Lebigbeusse (1440 in chips) rivergirl: posts small blind 15xtwist3dx: posts big blind 30*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to rivergirl [Ad 6c]Martin_26111: folds Drugo 24: raises 30 to 60Lebigbeusse: folds runway69: folds johnymac111: folds SlayerLegend: folds dj232: calls 60rivergirl: calls 45xtwist3dx: folds *** FLOP *** [6h Qh As]rivergirl: bets 90Drugo 24: folds dj232: raises 210 to 300rivergirl: raises 800 to 1100 and is all-indj232: calls 800*** TURN *** [6h Qh As] [2d]*** RIVER *** [6h Qh As 2d] [Kh]*** SHOW DOWN ***rivergirl: shows [Ad 6c] (two pair, Aces and Sixes)dj232: shows [Ac Js] (a pair of Aces)rivergirl collected 2410 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2410 | Rake 0 Board [6h Qh As 2d Kh]Seat 1: runway69 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: johnymac111 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: SlayerLegend folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: dj232 (button) showed [Ac Js] and lost with a pair of AcesSeat 5: rivergirl (small blind) showed [Ad 6c] and won (2410) with two pair, Aces and SixesSeat 6: xtwist3dx (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 7: Martin_26111 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: Drugo 24 folded on the FlopSeat 9: Lebigbeusse folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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PokerStars Game #31719444888: Tournament #187828521, $4.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2009/08/16 23:52:54 ETTable '187828521 1' 9-max Seat #2 is the buttonSeat 1: Born2BG8 (5700 in chips) Seat 2: druezzy (2810 in chips) Seat 3: pandemonic (292 in chips) Seat 4: ntanygd760 (1370 in chips) Seat 5: sklbzm (3883 in chips) Seat 6: peluo111 (1254 in chips) Seat 7: Playtime8888 (1555 in chips) Seat 8: boptiti (2765 in chips) Seat 9: tommyman851 (1195 in chips) pandemonic: posts small blind 15ntanygd760: posts big blind 30*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to pandemonic [Qs Td]sklbzm: folds peluo111: calls 30Playtime8888: folds boptiti: folds tommyman851: folds Born2BG8: folds druezzy: folds pandemonic: calls 15ntanygd760: checks *** FLOP *** [5d Tc 6c]pandemonic: bets 120ntanygd760: raises 120 to 240peluo111: folds pandemonic: raises 22 to 262 and is all-inntanygd760: calls 22*** TURN *** [5d Tc 6c] [5c]*** RIVER *** [5d Tc 6c 5c] [Jd]*** SHOW DOWN ***pandemonic: shows [Qs Td] (two pair, Tens and Fives)ntanygd760: shows [Jh Th] (two pair, Jacks and Tens)ntanygd760 collected 614 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 614 | Rake 0 Board [5d Tc 6c 5c Jd]Seat 1: Born2BG8 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: druezzy (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: pandemonic (small blind) showed [Qs Td] and lost with two pair, Tens and FivesSeat 4: ntanygd760 (big blind) showed [Jh Th] and won (614) with two pair, Jacks and TensSeat 5: sklbzm folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: peluo111 folded on the FlopSeat 7: Playtime8888 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: boptiti folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 9: tommyman851 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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i know i could've played this differentlyi just can't believe how often this happensPokerStars Game #31719837157: Tournament #187828521, $4.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2009/08/17 0:10:51 ETTable '187828521 19' 9-max Seat #4 is the buttonSeat 1: runway69 (4785 in chips) Seat 2: tommyman851 (1265 in chips) Seat 3: SlayerLegend (1110 in chips) Seat 4: dj232 (1145 in chips) Seat 5: rivergirl (2895 in chips) Seat 6: xtwist3dx (1635 in chips) Seat 7: Martin_26111 (3055 in chips) Seat 8: Drugo 24 (160 in chips) Seat 9: Lebigbeusse (3300 in chips) rivergirl: posts small blind 25xtwist3dx: posts big blind 50*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to rivergirl [Ks Kd]Martin_26111: folds Drugo 24: raises 110 to 160 and is all-inLebigbeusse: folds runway69: folds tommyman851: folds SlayerLegend: folds dj232: calls 160rivergirl: raises 2735 to 2895 and is all-inxtwist3dx: folds dj232: calls 985 and is all-inUncalled bet (1750) returned to rivergirl*** FLOP *** [Qc Jh Qd]*** TURN *** [Qc Jh Qd] [5d]*** RIVER *** [Qc Jh Qd 5d] [3c]*** SHOW DOWN ***rivergirl: shows [Ks Kd] (two pair, Kings and Queens)dj232: shows [As Qs] (three of a kind, Queens)dj232 collected 1970 from side potDrugo 24: shows [Jc 6d] (two pair, Queens and Jacks)dj232 collected 530 from main pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2500 Main pot 530. Side pot 1970. | Rake 0 Board [Qc Jh Qd 5d 3c]Seat 1: runway69 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: tommyman851 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: SlayerLegend folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: dj232 (button) showed [As Qs] and won (2500) with three of a kind, QueensSeat 5: rivergirl (small blind) showed [Ks Kd] and lost with two pair, Kings and QueensSeat 6: xtwist3dx (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 7: Martin_26111 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: Drugo 24 showed [Jc 6d] and lost with two pair, Queens and JacksSeat 9: Lebigbeusse folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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i know i could've played this differentlyi just can't believe how often this happensPokerStars Game #31719837157: Tournament #187828521, $4.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2009/08/17 0:10:51 ETTable '187828521 19' 9-max Seat #4 is the buttonSeat 1: runway69 (4785 in chips) Seat 2: tommyman851 (1265 in chips) Seat 3: SlayerLegend (1110 in chips) Seat 4: dj232 (1145 in chips) Seat 5: rivergirl (2895 in chips) Seat 6: xtwist3dx (1635 in chips) Seat 7: Martin_26111 (3055 in chips) Seat 8: Drugo 24 (160 in chips) Seat 9: Lebigbeusse (3300 in chips) rivergirl: posts small blind 25xtwist3dx: posts big blind 50*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to rivergirl [Ks Kd]Martin_26111: folds Drugo 24: raises 110 to 160 and is all-inLebigbeusse: folds runway69: folds tommyman851: folds SlayerLegend: folds dj232: calls 160rivergirl: raises 2735 to 2895 and is all-inxtwist3dx: folds dj232: calls 985 and is all-inUncalled bet (1750) returned to rivergirl*** FLOP *** [Qc Jh Qd]*** TURN *** [Qc Jh Qd] [5d]*** RIVER *** [Qc Jh Qd 5d] [3c]*** SHOW DOWN ***rivergirl: shows [Ks Kd] (two pair, Kings and Queens)dj232: shows [As Qs] (three of a kind, Queens)dj232 collected 1970 from side potDrugo 24: shows [Jc 6d] (two pair, Queens and Jacks)dj232 collected 530 from main pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2500 Main pot 530. Side pot 1970. | Rake 0 Board [Qc Jh Qd 5d 3c]Seat 1: runway69 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: tommyman851 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: SlayerLegend folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: dj232 (button) showed [As Qs] and won (2500) with three of a kind, QueensSeat 5: rivergirl (small blind) showed [Ks Kd] and lost with two pair, Kings and QueensSeat 6: xtwist3dx (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 7: Martin_26111 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: Drugo 24 showed [Jc 6d] and lost with two pair, Queens and JacksSeat 9: Lebigbeusse folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Really? Don't see how you could have played this any differently. I mean, You could have re-raised instead of shoving, but if he shoves back you are obviously calling and if he flats and shoves on the flop are you going to fold assuming he has trip Queens, A set of jacks, or pocket aces?
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