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I havent signed on here in ages, not by choice, my buddy talked me into playing in this no limit texas holdem tourney at an indian reservation just out of town, i thought it would be a good way to pick up some extra cash so i decided i would enter with my buddy, long story short i went on a run like you wouldnt beleave pcoket rockets, wierd kings, big slick suited, jsut an incrediable run, i thought i was untouchable that night little did i know this good run of cards was no fluke, turned out my buddy was up to his old mechanic tricks again base dealing, the peak fake shuffle u name it he did it, of course i would find this out the hard way i wouldnt know this intill it was to late my buddy's trick were a little rusty and lets jsut say the last hand he dealt was about as obvious as a man walking into a local walmart with a t shirt on and walking out wearing a sweater and a coat. bottom line here is he messes up big time and next thing i know big kemosobie grabs me from behind and wraps a bag around my head and ties my hands and is dragging me down like three flights of stairs, i'm thinking in my head steave what did u get me into, then i passe dout, next thing i know i wake up i'm handcuffed to a a post in this dirty basement ment,a nd who should i see my buddy big kemosobie walking down the stairs the big gorillia who had wraped a bag around my head and draged be down stairs, anyways ne xt thing this othe rbig gorilla comes down and starts giving orders i cant understand what there saying, from what i could figure out the guy bwas barking orders must of been the cheif,a nways to make along story short, they had me tied up down their for months making homemade moonshine and scrubbing floors, i'm not gonna lie i was pretty dfreaked out, i mean when i first woke up and saw big kemosobie coming down the stairs i felt like ned beatty from deliverance, and visions of the last ten minutes of pulp fiction were running through my head, was i gonna end up like ving rymes all that was missing was a chair and a gag in my mouth, i'm happy tosay i got out of this situation physically and mentaly intact, tehy final realsed me after months of working in there homemade distilery, bottom line is i'm never going anywhere near a this city again. just wanted to say its good to be back and you can look forward to more post from mwe in the months to follow

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