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I think that's a pretty clear fold as you have no large drawing action. You are pretty much hoping for 10 j q flop, aak flop or three of your suit. All pretty much longshots. Almost anything less and you are drawing pretty slim with no redraws.

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AKs 93ois this a hand that you will open with or fold?
OTB maybe... Change it to As3sKh9h and I will open it from anywhere in 6 max.The main problem with AsKsXX is that its hard to get lots of action from a Queen high flush.
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Not a strong hand, fold this pre-flop except special cases. For instance, your whole table is playing extremely tight and you have the button. Then you could play this, but you are going to have to outplay them post-flop or hit really hard.

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It depends on what position you are in, how tight/loose the table is, and how much better you are post-flop then your opponents. If I am at a tight table full of players I am better than I can make a case for playing almost any hand.

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As was said, position matters, as well at stakes and stack sizes. Our hand is absolute garbage, but with AK and a suited ace I certaintly don't mind limping behind a couple loose passive fish, or raising a player who limp/folds alot or generally plays horrible post flop. We should be able to stab at quite a few pots in position flopping as little as flush draw + overs or top pair. In early position I definelty fold, and as stakes increase I lean more towards a fold as villians are less likely to be limping dominated hands.

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