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Out Boated On The River....

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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 20.00 BB (9 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comHero (Button) (1580.00)SB (1620.00)BB (1470.00)UTG (1840.00)UTG+1 (1430.00)MP1 (1470.00)MP2 (1260.00)MP3 (1370.00)CO (1460.00)Preflop: Hero is Button with Jdiamond.gif Qspade.gif3 folds, MP2 calls 20.00, 2 folds, Hero raises to 50.00, SB calls 40.00, 1 fold, MP2 calls 30.00Flop: (170.00) 10heart.gif Jspade.gif Jclub.gif(3 players)SB checks, MP2 checks, Hero bets 80.00, SB calls 80.00, 1 foldTurn: (330.00) 10spade.gif(2 players)SB checks, Hero bets 200.00, SB calls 200.00River: (730.00) Adiamond.gif(2 players)SB bets 460.00, Hero raises to 920.00, SB raises to 1290.00 (All-In), Hero calls 330.00 (All-In)Total pot: 3230.00 | Rake: 0.00Results in white below: Hero had Jdiamond.gif Qspade.gif (full house, Jacks over tens)SB had Aheart.gif Aclub.gif (full house, Aces over Jacks)Outcome: SB won 3230.00I love losing when I'm a 95% favorite.....Anything I could have done or just unlucky like i think?

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Fold preflop with QJ off on button with 1 limper? I'm going to go ahead and say no on the grounds that if he misses I can most likely out play him, and if he does hit, my hand is weak enough and I bet few enough chips that I can fold to unwanted action

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Fold preflop with QJ off on button with 1 limper? I'm going to go ahead and say no on the grounds that if he misses I can most likely out play him, and if he does hit, my hand is weak enough and I bet few enough chips that I can fold to unwanted action
Do you have Poker VT?
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Fold preflop?
Agreed, I don't think there is anything you could have done to push him off his hand. Despite the paired board, most players value pocket aces too much to fold, unless the board is dangerously close to a flush that they don't have a piece of. The only thing you could have done here is try to minimize your losses, otherwise just accept the bad beat and move on.
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Are you kidding me? You are on the button, no raises, and you are seriously suggesting fold preflop with J Q?If anything, the guy with A A on the SB played this hand very badly. There was nothing the hero could have done. Totally bad beat.

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Are you kidding me? You are on the button, no raises, and you are seriously suggesting fold preflop with J Q?If anything, the guy with A A on the SB played this hand very badly. There was nothing the hero could have done. Totally bad beat.
He could have folded preflop
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