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Day At The Casino. Any Help?

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So I went to the casino today with a buddy to play 1/2 NL.1st HandI bought in with $100 like I usually do and grinded it out for an hour and had about $140 in front of me.I was dealt QQ in late position and folded to me I raised to $15. SB and BB call.Flop comes 456 rainbow. SB pushes for like $15, BB calls. I raise the BB $30 on top. He thinks for a while then pushes.He is a reallly LAG player and can have any two cards at anytime. Do I call the push?2nd HandAgain Im at $150 and I have KcKd in middle position. I raise to $15. Late position and the button call.Flop 8d 2s 3d. I bet out $30 the late position folds the button calls. I think I will check raise pretty much any turn here.Turn Jd I check he bets out $50. I think maybe he does have the flush but then again it is the same LAG player from the first hand. Do I call? Push because I have an overpair and high diamond? Fold it?Results in white1st HandI call the push cuz Ive seen this guy raise with anything and put him on a draw and maybe a pair. The shortstack says I need a K then. turn K river 7. I thought damn Im screwed I ask if the LAG guy hit the straight and like a dick he says nope then waits and says I flopped it showing 78 offsuit. Who calls a $13 raise with 87 off? So i rebuy after a long walk to clear my head.2nd HandI decide to push because I didnt put him on better than KK and if somehow he has a flsh I have outs unless he has the A high flush. I tell him I have an overpair he flips over Q5d for the flush. I obvs miss the river and he takes me out again. He plays any 2 and wins. Later when i was watching the table he played like J3 for a raise and hit a fullhouse on the turn.Did I do anything wrong? Bad luck? LAGGY player hits everything? lol

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for some reason you notice it more when you play live than online, but you will see these people who literally play every single hand dealt to them and they seem to win huge. next time instead of paying attention to the guy who is doing that and winning rack after rack, pay attention to the other three guys who are doing it and rebuying every orbit.

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Thnx for the replies guys. I was pretty happy to see that LAG player get rivered by KJ hitting a flush vs his KK when i was leaving lol. Also what is SFIDTS? I looked in the glossary and it wasnt there.Also Rollin Game your sig is absolutely amazing.

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Thnx for the replies guys. I was pretty happy to see that LAG player get rivered by KJ hitting a flush vs his KK when i was leaving lol. Also what is SFIDTS? I looked in the glossary and it wasnt there.Also Rollin Game your sig is absolutely amazing.
how everyone puts bbfidts (bad beat forum is down the street) on strat forum... and tyty! =)
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Penticton is the closest with poker. Only has 2 tables though.Kelowna was supposed to have it in the spring but their contractor bailed out and they didnt build the addition they need.Vernon will have it when the new casino on the highway out by the Toyota dealership is done. Should be done in the fall sometime.

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Wow same thing happened at a homegame just now.Luck hasnt changed I see.I was at 1500 of my 2000 starting stack. Missed some draws and lost few small pots.Blinds are now 20/30 I raise from early position with KK. I raise 200 on top of the blinds. get 2 callers.Flop Js 10c 7sI bet out 400 get 1 caller from middle position.Turn 6cI think i already have half invested and 6c is a blank becuase if they had the straight already i was beat. So I push.I get called and low and behold they have 98 of spades for the made straight and flush draw. by the way the flu8sh even hit on the riv.Then afterwards they said I woulda called an all in with 98 I was feeling it.I know Im playing it right but my luck vs the LAG retards is just screwing me. WTF can i do? Just play good and hope the luck changes?

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