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And Everyone Thought Tritz Was Crazy

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" it starts with a neural lag that most everyone experiences while awake. When light hits your retina, about one-tenth of a second goes by before the brain translates the signal into a visual perception of the world"guess tritz had a little less lag thn the rest of us
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Researcher Mark Changizi of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York says it starts with a neural lag that most everyone experiences while awake. When light hits your retina, about one-tenth of a second goes by before the brain translates the signal into a visual perception of the world. If it is from RPI then is most def true

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  • 3 weeks later...
Can't take credit for Bull.Honestly, I haven't read the article yet....and I probably won't.
You never post though... you MUST have another identity here.
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You never post though... you MUST have another identity here.
Can't say that I do.. The truth is I lost interest, I rarely even play anymore.I come by to watch Daniel's videos, read his blog, and browse the forums for anything interesting. I'm only posting so my account doesn't become inactive or get deleted or whatever. I guess to say hello too....see what kind of shit I can stir up by making a short appearance.
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Tritz is way too busy with his Airline company now (how are those gas prices getting to ya, by the way? JP-8 must be killer right now!) to be concerned with this.However, assuming I take the leap and believe this is good science, I think this is fantastically interesting. Maybe it can help explain that feeling that golfers feel while standing over a ball "something's not right" or... I don't know, those kinds of things. I'm tired, just ripped up Flying Saucer Trivia, and then came home to my best friend, mr Ambien. I had a logical thought at first, though.CHain Off 2008! DONATE! Please?!?!

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Tritz is way too busy with his Airline company now.
Not an airline. It's a 135 company. But yes, busy with the aviation industry.
How are those gas prices getting to ya, by the way?
Gas prices suck and are effecting business, but all the competition as well.
JP-8 must be killer right now!
We operate a Lear 24D, so we fill her up with JP-4. BOS - DFW - BOS - MEM = $17,000+ in fuel. It's tough, and I've paid up to $11/gallon in Massachusettes.
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