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Vegas Room Selection Help

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I'm heading out to Vegas with the Mrs., and the in-laws' entire family goes this time every year. The situation is that they go to the Riv and just slot machine there for the entire time. The Mrs. would like to spend some time with them, but i would like to stay in a better room and better location. I would be willing to entertain the idea of upgrading to a MUCH better room at the Riv, but i don't think that they have such a thing. So, I am looking for an upgraded room at an older property or a normal king room at a more recent property that is near the Riv. Any directions on which website to book the vacation with would help too. Obv Orbitz/travelocity/etc., but any others to look at? Any suggestions are welcome.Thanks for the help.Also any poker tournaments to play in ($50-$300) would be nice too. Staying just a Thursday night through Saturday night.

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That whole end of the strip is places of lower quality so if you want to be close to the Riv you might aswell stay there. Of the high end resorts The Wynn is the closest but still about a 1.5-2mile walk. The Venetian Noon tourney on Friday afternoon is real good. $150 all together(no rb or ao in addition) and you get 7500 chips with 30 minute levels and a decent blind schedule. I think thats about it in your range except the <$100 tourneys run by Sahara but there structures arent nearly as good. Have fun. I have never had a bad expirience with Expedia.

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I'm heading out to Vegas with the Mrs., and the in-laws' entire family goes this time every year. The situation is that they go to the Riv and just slot machine there for the entire time. The Mrs. would like to spend some time with them, but i would like to stay in a better room and better location. I would be willing to entertain the idea of upgrading to a MUCH better room at the Riv, but i don't think that they have such a thing. So, I am looking for an upgraded room at an older property or a normal king room at a more recent property that is near the Riv. Any directions on which website to book the vacation with would help too. Obv Orbitz/travelocity/etc., but any others to look at? Any suggestions are welcome.Thanks for the help.Also any poker tournaments to play in ($50-$300) would be nice too. Staying just a Thursday night through Saturday night.
when u goin?i ther feb 14-16
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I'm heading out to Vegas with the Mrs., and the in-laws' entire family goes this time every year. The situation is that they go to the Riv and just slot machine there for the entire time. The Mrs. would like to spend some time with them, but i would like to stay in a better room and better location. I would be willing to entertain the idea of upgrading to a MUCH better room at the Riv, but i don't think that they have such a thing. So, I am looking for an upgraded room at an older property or a normal king room at a more recent property that is near the Riv. Any directions on which website to book the vacation with would help too. Obv Orbitz/travelocity/etc., but any others to look at? Any suggestions are welcome.Thanks for the help.Also any poker tournaments to play in ($50-$300) would be nice too. Staying just a Thursday night through Saturday night.
You are correct that the Riv has no real nice rooms. I used to stay at the Stardust and they had very nice suites... big hot tubs. I know it's not near the Riv but I highly recommend the Nugget downtown. They are a bit tight with their comps so I've usually had to pay for atleast half of my room charges but the rooms are nice and the poker room is awesome. It's not as big and fancy as Billagio but it's nice AND there are cheap tourneys every day there. I think they were like $65 for the morning one and $150 for the evening one. Not too large...I think there were around a hundred players in the morning. It took about 3.5 hours ...I got third and the last 2 split it...so not a real long time to finish a tourney. If the Mrs. wants a real classy place..and not real pricey... stay at the Paris. Upgrade to the suite... it's not real big but it is one of the nicest I've stayed in. The bed is HUGE and soft. There's even a drinking fountain right next to the toilet. (joke)As for booking... I never use Orbitz for anything other than getting a base. Then call direct to the hotel..not the 1-800 booking line... call directly to the hotel and ask for a casino host. Depending on the occupancy level at the time you call.. you may get lucky and get a free upgrade. We did at the Paris and didn't have a lot of table time either.Enjoy and let us know how it turns out.
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only place EVER ive encountered more than 3 unfriendly dealers within 1 hr
Really? I have stayed there quite a bit and I am sure I have had issues but nothing that sticks out. My friends and I have a couple dealers at TI that we actually look for.
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Really? I have stayed there quite a bit and I am sure I have had issues but nothing that sticks out. My friends and I have a couple dealers at TI that we actually look for.
diff timing i guessPLAY ON PLAYERlmaoi always wanted to say that
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playboy penthouse at The Palms is nice
I heard that, my wife loves the show about hef's gf's so she wants to go there. we are going feb 10-12. Dont know where we are going to stay at yet though. We are thinking about TI, Caesars or somewhere else in that area. Anyone been to Bills gambling hall and saloon? Those rooms are cheap and it seems like in a good location. I think it used to be called barbory coast or something along those lines
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Going with the in-laws? Get yourself a room at Mandalay Bay, and get them a room at the Stratosphere. You'll thank me. On a serious note, if you're not married to the idea of being right on the Strip, the Tuscany Suites has very nice and spacious rooms for a fraction of the cost of a Strip room, and the hotel is within a walk of Bellagio, Paris, Caesars, etc. You probably won't want to spend too much time at the casino, since it's pretty tiny and dead, but it's hard to beat their prices if you just think of the hotel as a place to sleep and shower. The only Strip hotel I've stayed in was the Paris, and the rooms were nice but kind of small (basic room, not a suite). Fun casino though, we actually spent quite a lot of time and money there between the restaurants, the piano bar, and the tables. Everything you could ever possibly want to know about Vegas poker tournaments can be found here: http://www.allvegaspoker.com/tournaments.php

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