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Kq, Kj, Qj, At, Aj, Qt Facing A Small Reraise.

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I often have this situation at low-limit (0.10/0.25) full ring games on Partypoker. I have raised the blinds to say 0.80 from middle position with these hands (KQ, KJ, QJ, AT, AJ, QT) hoping to take the blinds down but also having a fairly good hand to c-bet on a flop. However occasionally I get reraised and it is usually either a minimum raise or just a little more than that (say 2.5 - 3x my bet). I know that screams AA-KK etc but if you include the blinds and a caller that folds I'm getting 3-1 or 4-1. Up until now I have just called thinking about the pot odds but after a few losses against AA, AK and whatnot, on a KJx board, where I called a small flop bet and a small turn bet, I'm wondering if this is right. I also fold to a continuation bet if I miss, which is most of the time. Given little to no reads on an opponent, do you call? Do you still call a 2.5x reraise if he/she has position?Thanks for your help.

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Folding is usually right.It's hard to make money on these hands when you're ahead, but easy to pay off a better hand. If we call the raise, we're looking to make two-pair or better. And yeah, you can snap off a c-bet here and there. Position matters. Stack depth matters.

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Stack sizes matter and i also believe suitedness matters. Basically with big offsuit connectors your getting REVERSE IMPLIED ODDS. Essentially when you make the best hand (like one pair) you will not get paid off and when you make the second best hand (pair of queens or kings against aces) you will not be able to find out if your hand is good without putting more money in the pot. I usually just avoid these situations.Listen to Nicoson and fold.....(unless the circumstances are right.....position, huge stacks, suitedness, donkey opponent who stacks off with one pair)

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Folding is usually right.It's hard to make money on these hands when you're ahead, but easy to pay off a better hand. If we call the raise, we're looking to make two-pair or better. And yeah, you can snap off a c-bet here and there. Position matters. Stack depth matters.
Listen to this man. Especially if at those stakes, people are almost always showing you an AK/AQ/JJ+ type of hand, it's really unprofitable to call with these.
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Listen to this man. Especially if at those stakes, people are almost always showing you an AK/AQ/JJ+ type of hand, it's really unprofitable to call with these.
especially if you are out of position.
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especially if you are out of position.
Oh, I just assumed we're raising OTB and the blinds repop us. Yeah, if you're OOP, I'd never consider calling unless they're a total donk and you know it.
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