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33 In Sbvbb

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No real read on opponent, have only played with him for about 10 hands, he hasn't played one yet. I have a fairly tight image, again, have only been at table for 10 hands, played 1. Full Tilt PokerNo Limit Holdem TournamentBlinds: t170/t340(Ante: t25)9 playersStack sizes:UTG: t9940UTG+1: t9520MP1: t23739MP2: t11302MP3: t7260CO: t16734Button: t6409Hero: t6810BB: t4748Pre-flop: (9 players) Hero is SB with 3c 3s 7 folds, Hero raises to t1245, BB raises all-in t4723, Hero ????about 6200 in the pot, 3500 to call

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Fold, we are a coinflip at best. We will still have an M of over 10, leaving us out of the danger zone, whereas calling and losing cripples us.Or we can call and be a coinflip at best?Oh wait, we are getting 1.8ish-1....call.

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equity 	win 	tie 		  pots won 	pots tied	Hand 0: 	67.236%	  66.15% 	01.09% 		 713570088 	 11743092.00   { 22+, AQs+, AQo+ }Hand 1: 	32.764%	  31.68% 	01.09% 		 341695248 	 11743092.00   { 33 }

We have an instacall.

wowgood thing I calledhe had 66 :club:
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I hate the raise. I don't usually care too much about preflop raising amounts.. but you pretty much commit yourself to this pot when a raise to 850ish serves the same purpose, yet lets you get away if you face resistance. My problem with commiting myself to a pot with a low pocket pair, esp in a situation like this is the fact that your behind his range no matter what. And whatever the flop is (if he calls), you're vulnerable unless you hit a set.As played, its a call.Btw, I know its "only" 400.. but it makes a drastic change in whether pot odds justifies this call or not.

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YBravo, got a question for you. Given you've got it folded to you on the button, and both blinds behind you got similar stack sizes, would we be better served to shove here, assuming we are calling a re-raise anyways? If we are going to stack-off with 33, shouldn't we just get max FE by shoving on the button, or does that make us look weaker than we even actually are? 735 in chips is pretty meaningful to our stack.I would think making the standard raise dictates that we *do* fold if we are pushed on.

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YBravo, got a question for you. Given you've got it folded to you on the button, and both blinds behind you got similar stack sizes, would we be better served to shove here, assuming we are calling a re-raise anyways? If we are going to stack-off with 33, shouldn't we just get max FE by shoving on the button, or does that make us look weaker than we even actually are? 735 in chips is pretty meaningful to our stack.I would think making the standard raise dictates that we *do* fold if we are pushed on.
Yeah, I like either the raise to 800 or the shove better than what I did. I think either are very reasonable for the reasons you guys stated.
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