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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t20 (8 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)Button (t1490)Hero (t1480)BB (t1500)UTG (t1480)UTG+1 (t1500)MP1 (t1100)MP2 (t1500)CO (t3450)Preflop: Hero is SB with Aspade.gif, Kheart.gif. 1 fold, UTG+1 calls t20, MP1 calls t20, 2 folds, Button raises to t40, Hero raises to t140, 1 fold, UTG+1 calls t120, MP1 calls t120, Button calls t100.Flop: (t580) 9club.gif, 5diamond.gif, Tdiamond.gif(4 players)Hero checks, UTG+1 checks, MP1 bets t200, Button raises to t400, Hero folds, UTG+1 folds, MP1 calls t200.Should i be leading out on the flop Oop or with 3 callers give up...im gunna assume most ppl are gunna say raise more preI was unsure if a single table SnG counts as a tourny sooo i guess move it if its not in the right forum

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That's a definite negatore to leading the flop. You're OOP against 3 opponents with nothing but overcards. Leading the flop here would likely just be building someone else's pot. As pdr said, HU I lead this almost always.

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Flops that contain more than one card between 9-K that don't help your hand generally are in the wheelhouse of your opponents.Think of it this way: you are likely only getting underpairs to fold here. What's the likelihood both of your opponents have underpairs? The two diamonds on the board suggest that you may have also lost two outs: you aren't feeling froggy if the ace or king of diamonds comes to "bail you out" on the turn.Check and fold. Be glad there wasn't more pre-flop action. You've whiffed with ace king and it only cost you 10% of your chips.

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