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Not Too Angry About This..

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Yea, was staked for a $4.40 tourney and was doing well. I was constantly around in the #15-20th spot and the field narrowed down to around 35 people left, so I was in contention for a win, until this hand comes up.Blinds 100-200Donky Villain (~4500) SBHero (~6700) UTGVillain (~5000) MPDonky Villain has been raising every hand for the last 6 hands due to a tilting loss, so i was expecting to trap him with my limp preflop. Well, that didnt go as i expectedHero Limps with QQ, 2 Folds, Villain Calls, 3 folds, Donkey Villain completes, BB ChecksFlop 8 9 8 with 2 spadesDonkey Villain Bets 400, I raise to 1200, Villain Calls, Donkey Villain CallsTurn comes a QChecks all aroundRiver comes a 4 of spadesDonkey Villain Bets 400, I raise all in, both villains callDonkey Villain mucks his flush, I muck my full house, to VIllain's flopped quads (88)

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I'm pretty sure the pockets 8's call your raise and see a flop anyways.. Definite cooler. No way you get away from this hand once the queen pops up on the turn. I bet the villian with the eights thought he died and went to heaven with all that action on the flop and river. tough one, man.

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I'm pretty sure the pockets 8's call your raise and see a flop anyways.. Definite cooler. No way you get away from this hand once the queen pops up on the turn. I bet the villian with the eights thought he died and went to heaven with all that action on the flop and river. tough one, man.
No way you're getting away from it. The deck jumped on the table, laughed at you, spit on you and kicked you out your chair. Happens. Sry about the loss. We all hate coolers.
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