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The Race To 30 Goals

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Damn..I missed that nice...So as a Panther fan, have you heard anything about him???Any chance at some NHL action soon..??
Yeah the organization is REAL high on him and are already putting tags on this guy as "The next...so and so" Obviously it's real early, but one can't be disappointed with his progress so far and I'm sure he'll see a Panther uniform a lot sooner than later.
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Matthias is more than a year older than Stamkos, isn't he? Seems to me like he should be beating Stamkos by a lot more than just one point considering that he is a year ahead in development.
Also, Matthias plays on Belleville while Stamkos plays on Sarnia.And lets not forget that a goal is worth twice as much as an assist in the AHL. Stamkos is a goal scorer!
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Also, Matthias plays on Belleville while Stamkos plays on Sarnia.And lets not forget that a goal is worth twice as much as an assist in the AHL. Stamkos is a goal scorer!
If anything the edge in team/linemates could go to stamkos. I agree though while mathias is going to be a solid NHL'r, stamkos barring injury/something weird stamkos should be a real star
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