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Ak With Action In Front

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Sorry about the format but I don't have the history in front of me. This is by memory.$1.20 single table on Stars. 6 players left, blinds at 75/150. My stack is about 1400 and puts me 5th out of 6. Overall the table hadn't been too active by micro standards. We played almost the entire first level before someone got knocked out.I'm dealt AK in the SB.UTG raises to 450 and I'm prepared to push-reraise. But CO reraises to 900. Both stacks have me comfortably covered.Easy push-reraise, or throw it away knowing that I'm likely at best 43% against a decent PP?

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Meh situation. With our stack relative to the blinds, and the fact it's only 6 handed, meaning these don't have to be primo hands, and it's a $1.20, I'm pretty much never folding AK. Probably a race, but there'll be enough dead money.

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The reraise from CO is what had me worried here b/c it indicates a potentially stronger hand than UTG. If someone in his position were to reraise with mediocre cards to try to steal the pot, he would likely have pushed. The min-reraise says to me, "I have a hand I wouldn't mind getting some action with." That's why I felt I was likely up against a PP here. If CO had folded along with the others or even just called, I would have insta-pushed.

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One of those spots where you fold AK, imo. Previous poster nailed it when he said that a weaker hand than AK goes all in rather than putting in a different re-raise. At best you're vs. JJ-QQ.

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I don't see any reason to fold an above par hand against what would probably sub par players. Your only in bad shape against a couple hands and you could use a double up. If the player in the CO was tight enough you could make a case but I think its time to gamble.

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Sound like 2 more votes for push.I just looked back at the hand history and I got a few of the details a bit off. My stack was 1565 and CO raised to 750, not 900. The only difference this makes is that my stack was just above the 10BB limit used by programs like SnGWIZ (just downloaded the trial version).Well, I pushed. UTG folded and CO called, flipping over 99. It held up and I was out...again. I just wanted some confirmation that I made the right move.Interestingly, I ran it through SnGWIZ and it said this is a fold unless both players are very loose.

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