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Everything posted by teacher12

  1. Excuse me? I did help you. If you don't want help, you can get off the board.i wan not talking to you i appreciate your input oyu know hwo i am talking to.
  2. HUH is there anyone that can help me. thanks i fnot please just write something stupid on another post
  3. I am a 4th grade teacher in a urban community. My students do not have much money. They do not get the same opportunities as the student int he rich affluent areas. My goal as a teacher here for the first six years is to let them experience things that they would never get the chance to. My students love these excursions i take them on. They are not trips to the zoo, or picking pumpkins. They are exciting, fun educational trips which they seem to never forget. ( and of cours ethe end of the year fun trip)To do this I work my ass off creating fund raisers to take my students on these ex
  4. Recently i was discussing with some people at the Tropicana in Atlantic CIty Mr. Daniel Negraneau. ANd an old man who was a very good player said thathis money making success has hurt his game immensley. He went on to say that when Daniel began playing it wsa to make a living. Now he doesn't need the money and he doesn't play with the same passion adn fire that he used to. I am not sure what to think but it certainly makes sense.When your playing to make a living, you are going to be fully focused and nothing will stand in your way. That is why Daas poker. Now his life is advertising, co
  5. Look i was and still am a big nrganeau fan. But what the hell has been going on. This is terrible to watch. I mean he folds KK but plays 3-6 and k-3 for all his chips. Not sure of the explanation. Thought maybe someone could tell me what is going on.Big fan that is confused with his play and attitude.
  6. just to tell you i cold called the 85 and the original raiser made it 140 the secoind caller folded the and the re raiser madeit 220. i then folded. the flop came j-9-3 two hearts. they both ended up all in one with kk and the other AK of hearts. the KK held and he took a big pot. tough play!
  7. I am playing in a 5-10 Nl game i am holding QQ in position right before the button. The Utg raises it to 25 and there is one call and the player before me makes it 85. Now do i cold call, raise, or fold. They were both middle players not to agressive but not to tight either. It was a 10 man game and the button and small and big still had to play. plus the original raiser and caller and of course the re raiser. tough play i thought.
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