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Everything posted by rinspy

  1. This thread explains everything.Back when Daniel met Barack Obama, he already knew he would be undertaking this challenge. As such, an agreement was made, so that if things don't go so well with this challenge, the events that unfolded on Black Friday would follow to ensure that the challenge can be put on hold indefinitely.It all makes perfect sense now.
  2. Too big a raise preflop, don't see any point raising the turn.Apart from that all pretty standard.
  3. This is the original thread. Check out the first post, that's where updates are posted.
  4. Why not lift the restriction of only playing the full ring games, and at least also include playing 6-handed?A good deal of players play solidly preflop in full ring games at those levels (.25/.50, .50/1); and since they play fewer hands, they have easier decisions to make post-flop.Playing 6-handed, they are forced to play a wider range of hands, there is more post-flop action, more mistakes to profit from, and also them being involved in more hands means that you can pick up on their tendencies quicker.
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