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About nasnorab

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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  1. last year i played in this...there were 7750 entrants and they gave away about 250 seats...i had the pleasure of busting around 600th when KK<A9...the play is poor obvp.s. read my bloghttp://www.gooddudes.com/blog/?cat=4
  2. wow...just feel like cutting someone down? thats like the most nitpicky flame of all time...but in your favor i did claim to be a comedian
  3. to clarify, I'm not a lawyer. other businesses can be called firms as well. ive been a winning player my entire career and have never had a year making less than 10k. will it be different now that i'm playing for rent, sure. but i don't think the change will turn me from a winning player into a losing one. trust me, at the limits i play, my playing more is -ev for the field. i ran at 11pt/bb at 100nl over 75k hands and am running at 3.5pt/bb at 200nl over my first 20k despite running ice cold for my last 5k hands. but like i said...root for me, hope i go bust, whatever. just check out
  4. Hey fellas, Basically my life just got effed hard. Causing me to have to turn to poker for income. Its gonna be a train wreck on wheels. Wait, trains have wheels? Anyway come check out all the gory details as I blog about them. I play well, but can I play under this kind of pressure? There's only two ways to find out...but if you think I'm going to become a sherpa and lead people up a mountain for money you've got another thought coming. For thoughts like these and a bunch that actually make sense check out the blog. Link below.http://www.gooddudes.com/blog/
  5. if by super awesome you mean 50 drinks in 24 hours then yes....ill be somewhere bleary eyed on the strip friday/sat...you'll know its me cause about 12 people will want to murder me for taking all their money playing the darkside at the craps tables
  6. if any of y'all are interested at hookups at the clubs, golf courses and gentlemens clubs, pm me i've got some connections...i also have a beat on hotel rates...
  7. who's going to vegas for the wsop and where are you planning on staying? 'll be there all of july and staying in a house just off the strip. are people booking hotels for the month or what? ill also be in vegas from next thur- sun for a bachelor party (read: search for me at the craps tables)
  8. as an aside, how would tony soprano celebrate...10M on Mr. Twinkey in the 5th?
  9. strippers and blow is a good 1000th post
  10. If you won the WSOP...how would you party that night? Not how would you spend all the money eventually...that night what would you do?
  11. isn't that the course thats associated with mgm? so if youre not staying there its essentially private...or am i blatantly wrong?
  12. What are the best golf courses in vegas that are generally accessible? Meaning they aren't private or outlandishly expensive? Any help you guys could offer would be great.Thanks.
  13. i know im late on this one...but forrealdd...youre really digging yourself a hole here with nothing to lean on...im not even sure you understand that this is a hypothetical situation where you KNOW your opponents cards are QJ...obviously this rarely if ever happens...but if youre folding AK when your opponent moves in with QJ and youre last to act on the first hand of a tourney...this is a monumental error...you may not like to committ all your chips preflop...but truthfully this is just a matter of your ego telling you youll get your chips in at some later point with a bigger edge...as the op
  14. thanks for the tips all...really appreciate it...ill let you know if i find any extraordinary deals...and report on how much i donate to the local culture while there...
  15. thanks snake those are some good leads...where in long island...islip?
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